Hey Steemit, Let’s TalksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago


Hey. I’m still new-ish here and so that brings the value of perspective, I hope.

So let’s talk about the number of content creators (CCs) I’ve seen recently lamenting the lack of engagement with their content. It’s disturbing to me how many I’ve seen talking about the issue without providing any solutions to the problem or even worse not engaging with their own audience.

I don’t mean to be whatever but it makes it seem like you’re just posting for upvotes and the $ that comes with them rather than trying to contribute to the community, which makes you as bad as @berniesanders.

Someone wise I know once told me that complaints directed at anyone other than the person who can change them are foolish. In this case, the change starts with us. If you want the system to change, start first by changing yourself– which is infinitely harder and actually makes a difference.

Here’s a chance to practice: Am I right? Am I wrong? Tell me, and tell me why. The lack of comments on this post will only prove my point.

Let’s try to make a difference.

~ Mako

Specific CCs I’m calling out (because I follow them and I’ve seen it): @honeydue @didic


Before few months back , there was a small icon in the bottom of any post .... this small eye will show how many viewers were passing through your post.
But as it is clear to steemit admin that most of members will not read just vote to get paid... they removed this eye icon.
Do not be fooled with the huge numbers of voters on some posts... rhey are either sold votes by a bot or the writer is having huge reputation with big fatwallet that the fools young members will vote for him hoping to get some curation rewards.
Samer now is in hospital and i saw your discussions before few days back
Nevertheless.... i wish you good luck
Abu wadda

It's unfortunate. You'd think that they'd be focusing on improving the curation process rather than just surrendering to the system they created.

~ Mako

You would expect a lot but that is just too bad. You polt go comment or you post and don't engage it makes no difference but to you. Eventually communities will be closer and the interfaces will exclude a lot that we see now outlide of our interests. That might be best. Not lo much about they don't comment, jurt be happy with what it is you do.

Posted using Partiko Android

You would expect a lot but that is just too bad. You post and go comment or you post and don't engage it makes no difference but to you. Eventually communities will be closer and the interfaces will exclude a lot that we see now outside of our interests. That might be best. Not so much about they don't comment, just be happy with what it is you do.

Posted using Partiko Android

I mean, of course always be happy with what you do but creative content thrives with discussion. Without it, this place is a narcissistic tomb, silent and dead. Filters would certainly be nice and hopefully would help people find topics interesting to them to engage with. Right now you've got to go out of your way to do so.

Thanks for your thoughts.

~ Mako

One of the main reasons we are all active in the discords. You should check out the writers block and there is no probrem with maybe for now keeping your group small and i do think if you know some people then go ahead and tag the fuckers lol a reminder as it were.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm active on Discord. If you've got a link I'll check it out, for sure.

~ Mako

https://discord.gg/PQVMhpV @thewritersblock , you can also check our steemit ramble https://discord.gg/FNaqH5 .

Yes it is difficult to find people to really engage and it will keep being so, a mixture of being a small account and writing long form content makes the chances more and more remote. I even just vote on a few things for the fuck of it, never intending to read, but then I get a phase where I comment and read everything but post nothing , it is a constant flux.

Also keep in mind that other social media still exists even if only for marketing and the circles you have there may come over but comments will always be tricky on real content. Make a fart video and black joke then you are golden.

Yeah, I get it. Long-form content requires an investment to read. I'm really only using this as a trial run for the actual release on http://incorruptiblebook.com/. I'm using social media to promote it there. I'm using Steemit as a sort of "premium" early release.

I'll see you on Discord!

~ Mako

nah they removed the counter because it was buggy as all hell, didn't show an accurate count, and was easily manipulated to show thousands of views that didn't actually happen. There was a well known exploit to do just that.

Wow, got some negative votes on this one... I'm surprised, because this is entirely true.

There is the kind of conception I see among many content creators that their work is deserving of an audience. This is backward thinking. Your audience deserves good content. You need to make it the very best you can, and you need to promote it. It's not just their job to find it, you need to get it out there. That is why I originally started on Minds; I found out they had a method for user driven advertising.

But from my actual experience, the biggest boosts I get are due to being part of and engaging with a community.

For sure. Connecting with fellow users like @cryptogee and @arthur.grafo have been much more rewarding because that was organic connection and marketing. And all it took is being honest and kind about their content- being an audience member. Those kinds of peer connections are what I'm looking for, not the income. This isn't my job, I do it for fun.

And the downvotes are just from pissing off bernie. All 9 votes are from his alts, so y'know.

~ Mako

I had not read your banner, where you say you are a proofreader.

I am hoping something will happen to give me some economic ease and then would want you to proofread for me...not that I understand what you mean by saying you are an Oxford comma muderer

@arthur.grafo I’m going to need to adjust my strategy here if I’m going to stay on the platform, as I’ve picked up an excellent team of editors to help advise me as I aim to publish my book. There’s a little bit about that in my latest post.

That being said, if you want to just do .01 SBD an article (a 99% discount on that listed price), I’d be happy to make an exception on account of your kindness to me :)


~ Mako

Thanks for your reply. I saw some of your comments about not posting your main book here so that Amazon do not block you. I understand and whenever the book is published, I'll be interested in buying a copy.

As for proofreading my book. I'm not likely to live long enough to post or have my book proofread (posts would be close to 2,500? At one post a day, we're what, talking about ...well, over 6 years!) I'm 75 now, so I just take it day by day.

What I am trying to do is make my daily posts, which means I actually achieve some improvements, plus, my main reader is Greek and by my having to explain what he read, I also come to understand (better) what is happening. So, that is positive.

I also like having some time for new writing. I tend to link much of them to my main book, as it means I do not need to look for ways to publish them as separate stories.

Actually, I did not notice that I had been kind - as you say. Mostly, I just liked your writing and when I contacted you, I came to appreciate you as a person also.

Concentrate on your book, as you must get it published before I am too senile to enjoy it

Nah not really negative, it is just bernie. Sorry @makowrites.

Yeah I pissed off Bernie and his gang of alts. It's okay, I meant what I said and obviously it hit home :)

~ Mako

Well it is certainly true that the best way to ensure engagement on your own posts, is to engage with other users. Anyone who is moaning about lack of engagement, but is not themselves going out there and reading / commenting, doesn't have a leg to stand on. BTW LOL you probably already figured this out but probably not the smartest thing to tag Bernie while calling him out in a negative way :) Hopefully he doesn't choose to nuke your blog. But in all seriousness, you could have easily just thrown away all future earnings you could have ever made on this blog - if he wants to make an example out of you he will set up his flag accounts to auto flag all your posting. And he does that, all the time, sometimes with less provocation than this.

Nope, he let it be thankfully. Just this post.

~ Mako

Don't try come at me when you are the dodge one

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