MySteemitFriend's New Edition has more features 新版MySteemitFriends有更多功能

in #steemit7 years ago


I would like to thank everyone for your support and suggestions since MySteemitFriends released on 23rd of August. I have added three new features to MySteemitFriends, hopefully it will make the website more suitable for your needs.

MySteemitFriends 8月23日推出後,得到很多朋友的支持和建議,我要在此表示感謝。在這些建議的啟發下,MySteemitFriends增加了三項新的功能,希望更能符合大家的要求,讓大家用得更順心。

The most special feature in the new MySteemitFriends is, other than being able to see who has upvoted you the most, you can now also see who you have upvoted the most, side by side. All you have to do is go onto the website, type in your Steemit user name, and click the button. You will see something similar to this screen. On the left hand side, you will see who has upvoted you the most. On the right hand side, you will see who you have upvoted the most.



The second new feature is the upvote percentage, as suggested by @ace108 in the announcement post of this app. If you click on the number of Upvotes on the right, you will get to the page that lists the articles upvoted, and you can see the voting percentage next to the time of each upvote.

第二項功能則是加上投票的百分比,這要感謝 @ace108 的建議。如果你按下表格右邊的票數,你就會被帶到列有投票文章的頁面,你可以在投票日期的旁邊看到每一次投票的百分比。


The third new feature is that you can now bookmark the homepage just after you have done your search, so next time you click on the bookmark, it will automatically have searched your name! So from now on, you will be able to see who your friends are, without typing your name over and over again.



The user manual for the new edition of MySteemitFriends is similar to the old version, for your convenience, I have collated the information below:

  • After entering your name on the main page and click “Click to see friends”, you will see a list of who has upvoted you and who you have upvoted in two separate columns, as well as the number of upvotes casted by each user and by you. The rank order is sorted by the number of upvotes in descending order.

  • If you click on the number of upvotes, you will be taken to a page that lists the articles and comments which were upvoted, as well as the time and date of each upvote.

  • If you click on the title of the articles / comments, you will be taken to that article / comment on Steemit.
    If you click on the name of the user, you will be taken to their steemit blog.

  • You can press CTRL+F on the main page and type the name of any user you want to see how many upvotes they gave you, or how many upvotes you have given them.


  • 在主頁輸入你的名字,然後點擊 “Click to see friends”, 你就可以看到誰給你投票和你投票給誰的兩欄朋友名單,以及誰給你投票和你投票給誰的總票數。票數愈多,排名愈前。

  • 如果你點擊投票總數,你會被帶到一個頁面,顯示一系列被投票的文章或評論,每一次投票的日期和時間以及投票的百分比。

  • 如果你點擊文章或評論的標題,你會被帶到Steemit上的這篇文章或評論。

  • 如果你點擊朋友的名字,你會被帶到你朋友在Steemit上的網頁。

  • 你可以在主頁上同時按 CTRL和F ,並且輸入任何Steemit使用者的名字,來尋找該使用者是否在名單內以及他投給你多少票,或你投給他多少票。

I hope you enjoy these new features. I will keep updating this tool to make it better and better! If you like this too, please upvote and follow @magicmonk, thank you!

我希望你會喜歡這些新的功能。歡迎大家提供建議,我會不斷地改善這個app工具,讓它愈來愈好用。如果你喜歡這個工具,請惠賜一票並關注 @magicmonk. 謝謝!


Incredible. What a programmer you are. I wouldn't have a clue on how to do this. But I know fun facts facts about strange places! lol..Hope you are well! -Dan

thanks Dan :) everyone has their own strengths :)

Great tool man!!! Please accept my bow magicmonk. Do take me as your apprentice in programming haha.

hahaha I'm not very good myself. are you serious you want to learn

yeah bro! I don't even know any basics of it.. How do you made such site? with php language?

hey mate. I suggest doing some of my HTML tutorials on Youtube to start off. can you access Youtube? start from HTML/CSS lesson 1 on this page.

wow man you provide so many tutorials!!! Definitely following you! You're the guy i wanna hangout with :D I'll definitely watch your tutorials! Thanks!

thank you so much bro :)

Great content will be appreciated! :)

that's pretty damn cool! great job monk!

haha thank you very much. I wish I was one of them.

really done a wonderful job . The best part is we can check how we are progressing and if we are more upvotes than it deserves best supporters award


Hey, it's cool but sadly won't go for me :( btw check my article about Astana!

It won't go? That's weird.. Does the website load for you?

I mean it works but I don't have a lot of friends here to spectate them from this site :D

@redfishpclef it is SOOOO important to try to be ready for what you believe in. I am not a huge christian, but I am a christian if that makes sense? I remember seeing a powerful poster in my Sunday School classroom, it was set at the time of the rapture and a man and his daughter was walking down a street as everyone was getting "beamed" up into heaven while this man did not. He watched as his daughter got sent to heaven without him.
This poster spoke so many words to me and i'll never forget that. I don't think anybody would want to experience what that man did in the poster.

On a side note, completely off this topic of the rapture.

My sister loved going to church Sundays and even more going to the youth group that took place Thursday nights. She would invite her non-christian friends to come on Thursdays as it was more of a service for the younger crowd with more up to beat music and more of a discussion then a sermon. This one girl started to go every Thursday and Sunday with her, and eventually got saved because of my sister. But eventually that one girl started to bully my sister inside the church and at school which ended up giving her no place to go to feel "safe".

It's sad that those things happen when you do so much for some people. It is even more sad that it's probably happening right now somewhere else in the world.

Anyways, thanks for spreading the word @redfishpclef! You rock!

good postt
Upvote for you @magicmonk my friend.

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