Celebrating 1,000 Steemit Followers! Steemit Post #150

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey there Steemit!


I just passed 1,000 followers! Woohoo! And this is post #150. That’s pretty neat! I’m not sure what to say here, but I really like celebrating arbitrary round numbers. Just like the Bitcoin market I just can’t get enough of round numbers like $100, $1,000, $10,000 or even maybe $100,000 soon. Last night was even the 90th Oscars and today I celebrate my 1,000th follower.

The reason for this post is to thank you. To thank you for being one of my 1,000 followers, one of my many up-voters, or even just a good friend on Twitter who occasionally favors me with a retweet or a like. I make YouTube videos, Tweets and lately book columns about the books I’ve been reading. And you are the reason I make them. Without the audience my work would just sit on the shelf. It’s the audience that gives it life.

Considering what a horrible job the Oscars did last night at celebrating movies, instead celebrating their own egos and trendy political causes, I certainly don’t want to do the same thing here. This isn’t about me. This about you. And for you, I have presents…

A funny video about Bitcoin:

A marble machine that makes music:

An entertaining battle between Batman and Darth Vader:

And finally a story of a stray dog Arthur that will bring you tears of joy:

And last but not least, a personal memory and a message. Three years ago today I spent my first night in San Francisco. I slept on a couch at the startup. I would sleep on a lot of couches over the next few weeks as I struggled to cope with my new 12 hour a day job and 5 hour a day commute. There wasn’t much time for anything else other than sleeping and making the journey back to work. So it was actually a pleasure to sleep on the couch and shorten my commute. It was the beginning of a great adventure and while it didn’t work out great at that startup, it worked out a little better at the next and more importantly the audience was always with me. Even when I stopped doing shows for a while I still had my friends on Twitter. And now I have my friends on Steemit.

The sunrise on my first morning in San Francisco

I suppose the message of all this is that you should ask for what you want and do what you want to do. That doesn’t mean that you’ll always get it or everything will always turn out perfect, but at least you’ll be heading in the right direction. The problem with doing nothing is that it accomplishes nothing. Even a half step in the right direction is more than doing nothing. For a long time I did nothing and my situation did not improve. Sure I was getting by, but I wasn’t thriving. Now that I’m heading in the right direction, every step seems lighter, every victory easier and every challenge less daunting. Having a positive goal in mind and moving toward it makes all the difference. Start your journey today. Take action.

What will you take action on next? What was your favorite “present” video? Reading anything good? Let me know in the comments down below. Thank you for joining me for 1,000 Follower and 150 posts. Here’s to 1,000 and 150 more!


Congratulations, may you have 1000 more. I will become 1001. Followed!

Congrats brother! much love and a big Thank You! Taking your lead and trying to read everyday!

Starring dogecoin?

I noticed you have posted many times since you began your journey on Steemit. That is great! We love active partipants.

I do want to point out that the Introduceyourself tag is meant to be used once only to introduce yourself to the Steemit community. You have now posted 7 times using the introduceyourself tag. Please see this link for more information Tag Spam?

Please take this into consideration and help build a great platform!

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