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RE: The World Is Wrong And So Is Everything In It!!

in #steemit6 years ago

I really enjoyed this post @magicalmoonlight! I have lived my life with an open heart chakra, although I've never called it that :) And I agree with your list to change or try and fix the world, but I like your final choice of peace.

If I could change anything, it would be greed (for money, power...), because I think every problem we have in the world boils down to just that. The problem with the bees? greedy conglomorates trying to make more money; war? another country trying to gain power, oil, money; not caring about the environment? there's no money in it for the already wealthy and powerful; starving people in Africa? no money in Africa for countries to bother going to fight for the people there; homelessness? Builders don't make money building for those with no money....

I could keep going, but I'm assuming you get my point. If some weren't so greedy and in dire need of more, perhaps they might focus on others a bit instead.

That's my two-cents worth; I just re-read this and I think I sound angry, but instead I only feel sad for all of those people focusing on the things in life, that in the end, don't really matter at all.

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