My Views on 50/50 Split Curation/Author Rewards

in #steemit6 years ago

Hey #Steemfam it's Dear ol' Lynds, today I'm gonna cut it short and sweet.

50/50 split on each post instead of our current 75/25.

Why would that change anything?

Wouldn't everyone just keep their autovotes on the same accounts, and just make 25% more?

You who want 50/50 back, say:

We'll start upvoting plankton/minnow/dolphin accounts manually if it goes back to 50/50.

(That's in my own words but you get the point.)

I don't believe you!

Others shouldn't either.

If you're not doing it for 25%, you won't do it for 50%.

How about you start doing manual curation for 25% first? Prove you are true.

We'll see how it goes.

If there are positive changes, and it turns out you were telling the truth, I'll start waging my own campaign to get it back to 50/50.

I have everything to gain for it going to 50/50.

I am a manual curator right now, more than I am authoring.

Yet, most of my friends don't have enough steem power to get any curation rewards at 25%, and they still won't at 50%, even if they curate smart, it's still pennies.

The only way they get any real rewards is from their own posts and comments.

I'm not going to take even more of those rewards away from my friends, than is already being taken by curators 25%, and then by the apps like #Dtube etc taking a 10% right off the top as a beneficiary.

That's it. My worthless opinion on the matter.


Cover art by Keith Parkinson for the novel "Faith of the Fallen" by Terry Goodkind

Love you my Angel Fam! No matter what, and for Heaven's sake...Keep on Steemin!


I think the post author should be given the power to decide what auth/curator split they want. Now that would be revolutionary!

Holy shitballs Batman! HAHA!! I have never heard of that idea yet, love it, thanks for sharing!

This is how I think that idea would affect the 50/50 crowd:

Triggered .gif

I can't take full credit for it as I have heard it mentioned by others before.

But I don't see why we just don't have a slider that lets post authors decide how much they want to keep and how much they want to give to curators.

That way, if you're an amazing author and you know you will get votes, you can set your curation re wards to 10%, while if you're a newbie and are desperate, you could set your curation to 90%!

Will it happen? @ned?

I wouldn't hold my breath.

There are 3 things that could change this place for the better.

  1. Instant account creation (seriously, it's 2018. No one waits two weeks for anything!)
  2. Pay people for their work. All the time. What's with the 7 day cap?
  3. Custom curation percentages. Let the author decide!

Mike drop

I am out



I like it @pwny!

Gotta watch where you put your fingers or it might bite ya!😁 Thanks

Posted using Partiko Android

Yup, there are a lot of flawed assumptions about the 50/50 magically fixing the issue of vote selling/buying by trying to get them to curate... when they will just it anyways and more 100% more than they do now by doing nothing. The "services" will just adjust to charge less for a vote that is rewarding less to the author... and everything stays the same. It only makes the rich richer.

interesting. I am already glad that I can get some exposure on But obvious upvotes vs rewards often do not add up. I have no time on my hands to even try understanding the whole ball game.

Totally my favorite installment of the sword of truth:)

Posted using Partiko Android

Ahhhhhh you are rare! :)

I don't often find fellow readers....

I love all the epic sagas of the time, ask me about the wheel of time, if you have several hours lol ;)

Posted using Partiko Android

I've only read the first one, and not because I didn't want to carry on with the series, I haven't bought the rest of the series. I've been really wrapped up in The Malazan Book of the Fallen I just finished my second read of the series. Have you heard of/read that one yet? It's ... uh ... epic. Almost a little too epic. I need to read it probably a couple more times before I can really get to know it.

My thoughts, exactly, @lyndsaybowes.

Those who are supposedly going to drop all else to manually curate with a 50/50 split should come our way first, and do it now, as a show of good faith.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how we keep them doing it after the 50/50 happens. Apparently there's a need for trust, but trust works both ways, and somehow, that needs to be established.

All your key points are on the money. I agree. Not sure how this helps the little fish with either curation or their posts. Increasing a dust vote by 33% isn't going to really get them going anywhere that much faster, and taking 33% away from them on the other side won't any. The only possibility that helps if in fact higher SP actually curates more smaller fish and gets them the $1-10 STEEM for their posts.

Even if the non-curating upper SP accounts want to, though, if I do the math, I see the red fish outnumbering the number of dolphins, orcas and whales by a big margin. Forget about the minnows.

I don't know. Just seems like there's not that much to gain for the smaller guys. Again.

With the market being what it is and the lack of engagement, most of us already struggle - so losing a big chunk of author rewards would definitely hurt. How do we compensate? From curation rewards!? In that case, I'd be forced to forget about voting some of those who I know are not making much money, just as some of those currently supporting me would look to increased rewards. Votes would go to top-earners for better rewards, leaving minnows with a smaller percentage of a smaller payout! Hardly a recipe for increased user retention...

I don't get it. I tried to get it. I came really close to getting it for about 38 whole seconds the other day but didn't end up retaining any real understanding. I've kind of given up trying to "get" anything that goes on here because I know as soon as I grasp how something steemish works, it's going to be changed and I'll have to start over again.

I am with you. I don't get it

@allseeingewe & @marionbowes, what parts don't you get? I'll explain the best I can.

well you know me, touchy feely, so later..xx

hehe, no need to be touchy and feely, what I'm saying is:

Do you know what curation is?

Do you know what curation rewards are?

I thought it was a writing award. But hey maybe I don't really know at all. However, it will have to wait...At least till I have more head space.

Okay, I'm still gonna answer just incase anyone else needs to know.

Curation is when you vote on a post. You get Steem Power when that post you voted on pays out.

The amount of Steem Power you get paid depends on a couple things, but mostly it depends on how much Steem Power YOU have.

So, the bigger upvote you give, the bigger curation reward you get when the post you upvoted pays out.

*Now this is really actually underlining my point that I'm making in my post by having you, the Ewe and Jon all saying you don't understand. You guys don't understand because of what I'm saying in my post.

Your Steem Power is so small, even if you have hundreds of Steem Power, it's still not enough to even give you enough of a curation reward that you would NOTICE it even exists.

Right now the way things are set up is: You keep 75% of what your post is worth. Curators (upvoters) get the other 25%.

There are a bunch of users on this platform that say if curators got 50% of our posts, they would, for lack of a better word... "Curate Harder".

Does that make sense? Let me know if it doesn't and I can try to re explain.

gee. I curate my heart out. I was never really doing it for a reward, but rather for peeps knowing that I actually read their content. Which I do BTW. Sounds to me like the wall street of Steemit. I would rather get paid more for the awesome stuff I write, rather than upvoting all over town for more rewards. All that would happen is that we would all get more automatic upvotes rather than anyone reading our stuff. At the end of the day what is the point in putting out quality stuff as opposed to someone putting random shit and getting upvotes from strangers to make money. "Just Saying"

Totally helps! Thanks Lynds 💗 i actually thought it was how the rewards were divided up between sp & sbd! Thank-goodness for delegators, contests and posting i don't think i make much through curating anyways. I still try to both comment vote and curate vote but it's pretty complex out there!!

If you're not doing it for 25%, you won't do it for 50%.

This line said it all. The sad thing about this 50/50 reward split is that those creating good content that are making very little will now have to lose 25% more without having any increase in their reward. This is really absurd. The person that's coming forward with this idea isn't forward thinking at all. The disadvantages of this system will prevent most authors from posting. It just won't work

If you're not doing it for 25%, you won't do it for 50%

That's what I was thinking too. In fact, if it changes to 50/50, I probably won't do more manual curating than I'm already doing either. I've found some authors I like, and I support them, but I'm not going to be looking for more authors specifically because I'll get more back in curation. I don't have a big enough vote to matter, but even if I did, I don't think it would change my behavior.

Very well put! Re-steemed!!

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