Moment by Moment #2 | Wednesday Wisdom #6steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago

Wednesday Wisdom # 6

Welcome to another installment of Wisdom Wednesdays here on my blog! Every Wednesday I share with you wisdom that I learnt from reading books throughout the week!

Check out last week's Wednesday Wisdom here!

This Wednesdays' book is The One Thing by Gary Keller.

What I would like to share from reading this book:

Moment by Moment Picture.jpg

Why Mindfulness?

After working with thousands of dying patients, Dr Kubler-Ross observed that what people remember most at the end of their lives were moments. Business, work, deadlines, bills, degrees, possessions, all assume little or no importance to the dying person in comparison to special moments with loved ones. Conversely, living as a child, what seems to matter are moments. But, being mindful offers even more benefits:

‘You don’t have to do anything. Nowhere to go, nothing to do. Be peaceful with the way thing are now, relax, let go’. (Anonymous).

Stress Reduction:

60% of all physical illness can be directly related to stress. And this stress can often be as a result of the tendency to always be in a hurry. A foundation of mindfulness is to overcome this.

Increased productivity:

Mindfulness can improve concentration. ‘poly-phasic thinking’ (many thoughts at the same time), results in unfulfilled activities, tasks and relationships. Mindfulness helps to have focus on one thing at a time and thus improve productivity.

Enhanced Relationships:

Think about the last time you had an interaction with someone. Were you really with them? Were you distracted with other things whilst you were with them? By truly being present and attentive, you let the other person know what they are the most important thing to you in that moment.


In our constant hurrying, we frequently miss the opportunity to enjoy the little pleasures that are happening moment by moment. How many sunsets and smiles have you missed?


The Dalai Lama said that, ‘when we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us’. ‘Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste they hurry past it’.

Mindfulness Test

Give honest answers to the following questions:

  1. Do I suffer from ‘hurry sickness? There is a societal tendency to feel rushed and hurried even when it is not necessary.

  2. Do I measure happiness by future gains and events? Evidence of this includes a preoccupation with thoughts such as ‘I’ll be happy when…’ ‘if only…’.

  3. Do I constantly compare the present to the past? This is the result of difficulty in letting go of experiences from the pat, such as youth, summer, relationships, and so on.

  4. Do I normally try to deny or push away pain? This is indicative of an unwillingness to confront negativity in your life.

  5. Do I have unfinished business in my life? This relates to unexpressed feelings for significant people in your life and / or unfulfilled tasks and goals.

  6. Am I often bored with routines and normal day-to-day living? Does life seem dull, and do you often find yourself saying, ‘Another day of the same old things’.

  7. Are you preoccupied with future expectations?

  8. Do I robotically live my life by going through the same routine day by day without thinking of the options?

  9. Does my life seem to be directed by old patterns or behaviours from the past? These are old messages and behaviours you learned from family and society about how you should live your life.

If you responded yes to most of these questions, you may not be living as mindfully as you could. When we were raised there was always the ‘hurry with your homework so you can go out and play’. Rarely are children or adults praised for moving slowly and deliberately. So naturally, Braza learned to rush through his life.

The past is to be learned from and not lived in, and the future is to be planned for, not paralysed by, and the present is to be enjoyed right now? Anonymous

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Great piece, I finally found something you wrote :) Yes, I think most of us, at least most people I know are caught up in this problem. I myself can honestly say that I would answer to at least 3 or 4 of those questions as Yes. The key is, to fight those negative thoughts, a keep looking for new avenues in life. Unfortunately, to do so is even harder then living the monotonous unhappy life. Most people I know, when I start speaking like that, they say, oh that's too hard, that's not gonna change anything, it is what it is. That's the sad part, people choose to be their own prisoners, slaves of their own apathy. But I can see, that you're not, so keep on doing what makes you happy and worthy.

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