
Absolutely. I hate Facebook now. I joined Facebook in early 2006 back when only college students were allowed to join. It was a really cool platform back then. Now it is just a bunch of political crap or people making lame posts about the latest social/gaming fad. Honestly, the only reason I'm still a member is so I can stay in contact with old school friends and a few long-distance family members. I wish I could quit. I have high hopes that we will see a "Steembook" competitor created very soon. I would love to tell Mark Zuckerberg what he can go do with himself.

I'm glad I'm not the only one, honestly. I was addicted to FB, and by the time I joined Steemit, I found that every time I signed onto FB it was like walking into a room-sized pressurizer, and the pressure would start at 0 and quickly go up and up and up just by looking around, seeing how people are being so ugly to one another, yadda yadda. I'm so glad I've only been there maybe 4 times since I came here - and those were to make posts ABOUT Steemit. LOL

Wow, that sums up Facebook! LOL

Oh yes. By far. It's nice. So much better than the Trump Vs. Hillary Vs. Pokemon Go crap going on over there right now.

Man, I scrolled through my Facebook this morning for a bit. It was trash. Absolute trash. Even the discussions in the various anarchist groups I've enjoyed in the past were so intellectually juvenile. I wonder how long it will be before the Steemit community gravitates toward the average... or, if possible, we might raise the bar for effective communication via monetary incentives.... hmm....

Possibly. And I keep having this idea that someone is going to come up with some awesome way to really pull in some money using this platform that hasn't been thought of yet. Everybody keeps regurgitating a lot of the same old stuff, and after having post this post, I'm finding a lot of similar posts on the trending page. I had no idea. I missed those because I've been kind of ignoring the trending page.

@lukestokes - No reply button.
Ha! I suppose that's true. If it's what the people want, it'll start saturating the medium.

Lol yeah im never on there anymore

I'm not either. I hopped over there a few days ago to talk about Steemit, but that's it. LOL

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