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RE: Suggestion - Lets Weave Steemit Data Flowers!

in #steemit7 years ago

The problem with your suggestion is anything based on views can be gamed. The biggest benefit which comes from Steem Power is the protection against Sybil attacks. Other solutions come with dire consequences. Even if a post doesn't continue paying out, it still remains extremely valuable. I link to old posts all the time to clearly articulate my perspective and save me time. It also gives others more of a chance to know me and the type of writing I do which leads to followers.

So far, seems you're doing the right thing but leaving a solid comment and linking to your blog when it makes sense. That's how it's done.


A very excellent point @lukestokes and I really appreciate you taking the time to give this suggestion a lookthrough and appraisal. :c)

I admit that the potential for exploiting the views thing 'was' at the edge of my radar (which is why I also included development activity as a factor) but I hadn't considered it to be half as big of an issue as I should have.

As such (tomorrow) I shall be revisiting that aspect of this suggestion with an aim at reducing views-based exploits. One way of doing this is shifting to new votes as a replacement metric - but I'll give it some more thought.

Also I really like your point about linking to old posts, as you say, "where it makes sense" (and thank you for the hinted advice - appreciated). It gives me an idea for another post, again probably tomorrow.

Thank you again for the valuable feedback! ^_^

Take a look a Sybil Attack strategies. The devs here won't take any suggestion seriously unless it deeply understands that and other complex game theory dynamics. I've learned a lot by watching them pick apart various ideas over the last year.

Haha... this could very almost have made for a post of its own. :c)

I have looked through a couple of sources with the least understood but most useful source being this one, and have also mashed a few of my ideas on the matter together.

Other sections of the article are mostly untouched - other than my having shifted from 'views' to 'weave tags/ votes', and so I would greatly appreciate if you could let me know if you think that I might be on the right track with anti-Sybil measures @lukestokes.

Thanks again!

Interesting abstract, thanks for sharing.

You're welcome. I appreciate you giving me cause to polish this.

Have a great day.

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