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RE: Let those shouting cronyism, ponzi, and corruption be the first to cast their stone upon the beggars...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

@james212 is with you on this, not that my opinion matters, but I ask you what I asked James... what about neoxian saying: "I've flagged this post because you are spamming out links this post all over the place. Please don't do that." ~neoxian


Last time I said something to @neoxian he came and spoke to me and explained why he was doing it. It could be because he is not a bot, and is a human and is doing things by hand.

I can tell you SPAM is something I'd consider flagging but I'd need to come up with a good description of what I considered SPAM before doing anything like that. I also would do that only if it seemed to be inhibiting the flow of how this place works. I don't really see any problems like that occurring now. I did see them for awhile but most of that was bots spamming. The reputation system seems to have curtailed that.

I don't know if neoxian understands that his flag is beyond micro-aggression it shuts down whole accounts.

Well the flag is definitely way more powerful now than it was prior to the reputation system. I know that was largely what they did to fight the bots, because they couldn't keep up with them.

The only time I've spoken directly to him I said @neoxian and he magically appeared. :)

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