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RE: How long until I make an income on Steemit? (rough calculations)

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Love how you put "things I love doing" and "things I can make money doing" on opposite sides because the intersect of those two things by themselves is not good for the world or yourself. The other two on opposite sides would just make you a homeless hippie.
Let's keep working on that mass exodus.... I hope I can help with my FB account.


Yes, let's! Thanks for doing what you can to bring people over.
It's a little frustrating, having to essentially beg people to upgrade their social media experience. I check Steemit FIRST nowadays, every time I sit down at the PC. I wish I didn't even need any other sites.
I'm going to post this on my FB page and use it to ask people to consider Steemit again.

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