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RE: The state of steemit central - come one come all - your comments required. PRIZES TOO.

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

I see Steemit Inc. as the first company of many on the steem blockchain and ecosystem.
There are already more than just Steemit Inc. For example BuildTeam.

Decentralisation is key for me. In every aspect. Not only servers.
So we need a mean as community to also develop on the steem blockchain. Only one entity (steemit inc) developing on the steem blockchain is still pretty centralized.

In future we also get means to change and build important things. There are SMT + Token alternatives out there, which are coded by the community.
For example "no name yet" by @shredz7 and "vaporchain" @fulltimegeek , just to name 2 alternatives.

I'm pretty happy with the community engagement in this bear market. People are posting, curating and commenting. Talking about the future of steem and the past.
Problems and possible solutions.
But we need more central places where we can meet and structure our ideas/ contributions. - To really make the proof-of-brain work.
This is pretty interesting:
but it's also the only thing I found where people show their ideas and not many know of it.

The whole cencorship thing with darkoverlord and media fake news.. just again proves me how good working and concepted this blockchain is.
The accounts and posts may be deleted and banned on some frontends (also by Steemit Inc) but are still on the steem blockchain and can interact with it.
There is no real cencorship (everyone who wants, can see it) but Steemit Inc and other companies can still follow the law. ;)

I think in steem is a big potential, we are already one of the only kind.
Now we only need to focus our energies. And especially use them in a positive way instead of a negative like FUD..^^

Greets from germany


That is a superb comment, I hope people engage you with their thoughts as I remain neutral until after the 7 days are up. :-)

Yea! I hope so, too!
Only in this way I can see which points people don't understand and I have to explain further. :) I hope I quickly covered my most important points... maybe I'll have to add or change something later :)

I also hope there is someone who can give me some new good input! :)

Looking forward to seeing what transpires here. :-)

And we also need to figure out a solution about Steemit Inc.'s enormous stake.
The best would be if they peacefully lock most of the stake in some sort of contract.
Or some contract which makes them sell the steem to sbd over time, and then to fiat to pay server costs..
In this way they would also reduce debt and stabilize sbd. :)

If Steemit Inc doesn't want to cooperate there would still be the way to fork as community..

The accounts and posts may be deleted ....

It may well be a language issue, as you went on to explain the accounts are available on other Condenser Nodes, however to those not familiar with blockchain technology may think the blockchain has been altered by STINC and account(s) deleted.

This can lead to the spread of FUD in my opinion.

I totally agree and that's also why Im trying to counteract.
Here I didnt write precisely enough because I tried to cover several points..^^
I also wrote this in a comment:

Only in this way I can see which points people don't understand and I have to explain further. :)

Posted using Partiko Android

The accounts and posts may be deleted and banned on some frontends (also by Steemit Inc) but are still on the steem blockchain and can interact with it.

Sure if most people weren't in fear of being retaliated against for doing such. That DO thing did seem warranted in my opinion but situations like that should be the only type outside of abuse that flags are used to take away people's rewards. If you don't like something comment to that effect and don't upvote the post. Flagging is so abused people will flag the post, flag the comments, flag people who comment on a flagged post, run over to the person's blog site and then proceed to flag everything done still pending rewards that was/is totally unrelated to what they got upset about...this type of flagging abuse needs to stop.

Flagging is also an important tool to decrease an unjustified big Payout.
Just in this way way Plankton get a bit of the Reward Pool.
Without flagging there would only be self voting by whales and as Plankton / minnow it would be thousand times harder..

Folks need to understand that flagging is an important tool.
Of course of youre just here for the money I can understand your fear of Flags.

Im not here for money. I dont care.
But I still know how important flags are.

There are also plans to increase flagging Power for everyone.

Posted using Partiko Android

Flagging for unjustified payouts would be in the abuse of the platform status. They can go ahead and increase everyone's flagging power and it will be the last thing they will need to do just before turning the lights out for good. If you disagree with a article someone post then don't up vote it, simple as that. If you don't agree with a comment don't upvote it, if it's a abusive comment flag it but don't go running over to the persons blog site and revenge flag everything in sight...they will never get it that it's the number one thing holding this platform down.

I never revenge flagged anyone..
Such things do greedy whales.
And that's exactly why you need flagging Power and flag Trails.
To decentralized control this place.

Posted using Partiko Android

I see that as more of a mess, you do realize that most the power on here is held by a small group of a couple hundred...I'd wager to bet that small group can be broken down into being sock puppets of even a smaller groups among themselves, like say one person in that group is really like twenty five socks puppets in that group also.

Sorry boy.
I dont understand.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am a girl...or lady, lol.

It's pretty common knowledge on here that most large stake holders don't have all their eggs in one basket, they have multiple accounts. So as an example per se, take Ned, he may have his Ned account but he also may have multiple other accounts under different names. Accounts like those they can use to flag you multiple times making your flag useless. Stake gives you power to overcome a flag so their high stake multiple flags can make a flag with a trail following useless.
Maybe to understand this better take a look at the power it took to come together to stop Haejin. Haejin was an incredible power player with high stakes who abused the system, no one was capable of stopping him until other top power players combined to form a force capable of flagging his post until he adjusted his behavior. I am sure if you look for it you can find out how that played out somewhere here on the blockchain.

Haejin never stopped selfvoting.
That's why we need Flagging Power and Flagging Trails.
Without these Tools there will always be fights between whales.
With those tools the community can unite their stake and force whales to stop.

Posted using Partiko Android

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