BYE BYE STEEMIT...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

If this place is going to follow the model that facebook follow, why should i waste my time and bandwidth with this place, i will not tolerate censorship of any kind.

Been here for a little over a month and personally witnessed utter shitposts earning hundreds of dollars, while my own posts get completely ignored, which i did not mind until my latest post was assumed to be flagged to earn zero yet again, while the only commenter earns over a dollar, this place is a pointless sad joke ruled by idiots who dont understand that the internet was created for free access to information.

Steemit seems to want good little slaves of society, yeah well that will never be me, society needs to go take a running jump, as do all these idiots who like throwing around big words they do not understand.

If this is how steemit intends to treat me, then i will treat steamit just like i treat shitbook, with avoidance....

Fed up, feel like im wasting my time here. It has become apparent, if im not broadcasting my private affairs or sharing photos of slags i get ignored, And you call this a community, i call this a dictatorship which is not what crypto is about, steemit you have lost your way, or sold out to the terrorists masquerading as guberment!!!!


I'm impressed!!!! Way to go!


whilst i sense an air of sarcasm, i shall still thank you for your comment :)

They so need to be banned from this place...

i would also like to know what the unwritten rules are here. i made a post about me buying bitcoin mining contract and it got down voted.. I didn't know it was against the rules.

I dont believe it is against the rules, just idiots trying to manipulate and make this place pointless to new comers unless they are good little slaves :( Its all about painting a picture, they just dont realise that they are brainless idiots who are see through :(

well if this place doesn't take off, there will be plenty of competitors who will use this idea and make it better.

I cant wait for a model with zero censorship, and zero flag or report options. Too many website owners do not respect our freedoms. And to fook with the terrorists running around masquerading as guberment dishing out those dictates in legislated clap trap form...
Sorry if i sound off with you, its not intended, im just really annoyed. To me crypto was created to destroy the banks monopoly and help us to keep our rights.... Censorship is the direct opposite of respecting my rights :(

narrr it's fine mate, totally understand. if this place falls apart i'm hoping that the next site will include facebook and twitter type setups. not everyone likes writing articles. which is why you are seeing posts with just videos and meme's.

its just infuriating mate, i have turned out some awesome writing here and only made cents, which i can deal with as i understand my audience is minimal. But to censor my posts as spam when real spammy posts are earning hundreds is not on. Tells me that steemit have sold out to the powers that were :(....

if i was a good enough programmer, i would be setting up my own crypto play thing. But i'm not , so i'll just deal with what other people come up with ( for the time being)

Best way to be mate, i am capable of building my own platform, but it would be a futile endeavour in my eyes. Everything i do gets copied and taken over, kinda like facebook to to steemit. I just cant justify wasting weeks building something that might only be popular for a month before the next copycat comes along. We seriously need a new place, with no reporting or flagging abillity, a platform for true freedom of speech where everything that is posted gets published and stays published.
If we allow this stupidity to continue we are going to get to the point of everybody having their own websites hosted from their own PCs in order to get our opinions out there, which is not the way to go :(

the most popular being plagiarist closely followed by copyright, like i say these idiots dont have a clue...
Once upon a time we lived by the rule of "if you do not want something on the internet you do not put it there" once something is online it is free for all, and to fook with any retarded legislations that will never be law...

Looked at the post. That is ridiculous that Steemcleaner bot things it might be a scam, so they flag it as spam. Then, the bot gets upvotes to make cash. Talk about a scam in itself.

I surely don't get it. There are spam bots that hit the comment section and those don't get stopped, but if someone disagrees with a different coin option, it is considered a scam or spam.

I guess it is all on how you present the information. Maybe you should just put up vlogs, that seems to work to get around the scam/spam bots.

Thats just it though mate, my life is private, i am very careful not to mix my real life persona with my online persona, my beliefs dont change, but the way i conduct myself does quite measurably at that, online im an activist, offline im a quiet rebel who only stands when the need arises :(

I was making a very subtle comment about a certain couple of whales that do vblogs and their stuff could be considered spam/scam as well.

i honestly wouldn't mind if it was spam or scammy but it wasnt, day in day out i see people posting their referral links, so i just added my own list to the mix, for it to get a red flag. Its getting pretty evident that there are accounts here for the sole purpose of suppressing us new guys, if that is the case then this dump is finished before it even got started :(

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