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RE: Improving the Economics of Steem: A Community Proposal (My Response)

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

We disagree massively on that. Perhaps if I said, "these cunts are definitely up to some shady shit" that would amount to slander. But, being skeptical, and encouraging others to be skeptical, of a party that has historically made changes that have hurt this community, especially when I have made it abundantly clear within my language that I do not know for sure, is far from slander - I'd consider it closer to common sense. I am certainly optimistic that everything is above aboard, but I have to consider otherwise, especially when I have been expecting since the bidbots started to monopolise the network, for there to be a future, further power grab of sorts.


I'm not one to devalue inquisitiveness yet there is a line between valid questioning and pointless questioning, just as there is a line between slander and borderline slander. I can't think of any questions that are pointed to one's motivation or intent that don't also fall squarely in pointless questions, maybe I need to ruminate on it some more. It's exactly like asking a bankrober "why did you do it" or "don't you know it's wrong", or "are they trying to pull a fast one on us".. Even if you hear it from the horses mouth, not that such insinuating question deserves an answer, it never does, but even if it's answered it all amounts to their story, you couldn't know it's true until later, after the fact if their actions contradicts their answers, and asking "are they trying to grab more power" is purely speculation, it's not productive or insightful what so ever. I didn't say it was slanderous, but borderline slanderous, because there's absolutely no reason to answer such a question and it serves then, as it's purely speculation, to cast doubt or shade on their intentions. Equally, you can ask them "did you know that such and such changes would be this catastrophic" and they can say that it was a possibility, or that they did not forsee it, though you can't blame them for taking risks or for not being able to forsee it. Now, is it slander to ask about their intentions? It depends on the point of the question, the premise, which could be an innocent mistake or ignorance/naiveté or much more insidious. I'll say this about your last remarks,calling it "a power grab of sorts", that speaks enough to say that you don't think much of them, and if you were in their shoes I'm almost positive someone calling your remark slanderous (not borderline even) would be meet with approval from your part.

The changes, such as linear, and delegations, were demanded by the community at large, these changes were almost necessary as well, so we can have the invaluable experience that they brought and not have any excuse to repeat them.

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