
"Marky thinks you called @buildawhale a ped0."

What Marky "thinks" has no basis in reality. If you look back through my posts, I do not think you will find anywhere that I called @buildawhale a ped0. In fact, my only reference to "Pedofile" was in my quote that @themerkymark referred to: i.e.

"Unfortunately because of a few scumbags like the following members, Steemit's days as a viable forum are quickly coming to an end, because it has essentially turned into nothing more than a cesspool of fraud and corruption, controlled by childish members, porn lovers, peadophiles, and other such low-life garbage."

Would you please point out exactly where in the above statement, oranywhere else that I specifically called either @themarkymark or @buildawhale a "Pedofile". Furthermore, immediately after this was brought to my intention, and in the interest of a possible misunderstanding, I edited my post, removing the word "Pedofile" completely.

In any event, I find it rather interesting that neither of these 2 members appeared to have taken issue with any of the other descriptive words I used, such as "porn lovers", "low-life garbage", "scumbags", "scumballs", "idiots", "morons", "childish", "fraud", "corruption", "cesspool" and so on. I am sure there are those who will begin to think that there is much more to this than meets the eye.

You're literally vying to suggest that he is a pedo because he didn't refute all the previous slanderous accusations.

What Marky "thinks" has no basis in reality. If you look back through my posts, I do not think you will find anywhere that I called @buildawhale a ped0. In fact, my only reference to "Pedofile" was in my quote that @themerkymark referred to: i.e.

You then go to post the quote where you call those that still remain on Steem all names, including pedo. A cesspool of fraud and corruption....

God you are a fucking moron:

Would you please point out exactly where in the above statement, oranywhere else that I specifically called either @themarkymark or @buildawhale a "Pedofile".

Here is where:

I find it rather interesting that neither of these 2 members appeared to have taken issue with any of the other descriptive words I used, such as "porn lovers", "low-life garbage", "scumbags", "scumballs", "idiots", "morons", "childish", "fraud", "corruption", "cesspool" and so on.

And of course:

Unfortunately because of a few scumbags like the following members, Steemit's days as a viable forum are quickly coming to an end, because it has essentially turned into nothing more than a cesspool of fraud and corruption, controlled by childish members, porn lovers, peadophiles, and other such low-life garbage.

But let's agree to disagree, all those descriptive terms weren't meant for just anyone that remains on steem or control steem. You twat.

"You're literally vying to suggest that he is a pedo because he didn't refute all the previous slanderous accusations."

Nowhere in any of my posts does it suggest that he is a pedo. That is a false assumption that both you and he have made.

"You then go to post the quote where you call those that still remain on Steem all names, including pedo."

Not at all! There are many fine people on Steemit. I was only calling out the childish behaviors of those who are suppose to be setting positive examples for the rest of the Steemit members. Their very poor examples are simply driving people away from Steemit, not attracting people to it, which can clearly be seen by Steemit's rapidly falling membership numbers.

Here is where:"

You are wrong! Nowhere in my statement that you quoted does it show that "I specifically called either @themarkymark or @buildawhale a "Pedofile". Like, @themarkymark, you are making an assumption where there is really no basic in reality for such an assumption.

"And of course:"

Not at all! Read it again, this time more carefully....

My statement was "Unfortunately because of a few scumbags like the following members, Steemit's days as a viable forum are quickly coming to an end, because it has essentially turned into nothing more than a cesspool of fraud and corruption, controlled by childish members, porn lovers, peadophiles, and other such low-life garbage.'"

The above statement DOES NOT by any means call @themarkymark or any other member on my list a "pedo". What it is saying (if you read it correctly), is that by the actions (or lack thereoff by certain members as listed, it is turning Steemit into ".....a cesspool of fraud and corruption, controlled by childish members, porn lovers, peadophiles, and other such low-life garbage."

To be clear, there is a vast difference in calling someone a "pedophile" and simply implying that someone's poor actions may lead to such an outcome within a system. If you can't understand the huge difference there, then I would invite you to copy my quotes and have any English teacher, or even better, a Lawyer, explain them to you. They will all tell you exactly as I have, that there is absolutely no direct accusation within any of my statements, as you or @themarkymark have falsely assumed and implied. None whatsoever!!!


@freezepeach please consider reviewing this case.

It appears to be a gross misunderstanding.

What Marky "thinks" has no basis in reality. If you look back through my posts, I do not think you will find anywhere that I called @buildawhale a ped0. In fact, my only reference to "Pedofile" was in my quote that @themerkymark referred to: i.e.

"Unfortunately because of a few scumbags like the following members, Steemit's days as a viable forum are quickly coming to an end, because it has essentially turned into nothing more than a cesspool of fraud and corruption, controlled by childish members, porn lovers, peadophiles, and other such low-life garbage."

And the offending word has been removed from the post.

They need to work it out between themselves, misunderstanding or not. There has to be a logical solution to this.

There has to be a logical solution to this.

You would hope.

I just received 2 more downvotes from @themarkymark and his sidekick @roomservice.

roomservice downvote @starworld/steemit-abusers-even-a-steemit-witness (-1%) 49 minutes ago

themarkymark downvote @starworld/steemit-abusers-even-a-steemit-witness (-1%) 49 minutes ago

Again, I suspect there is a lot more going on here than meets the eye. No normal person would ever act like the @themarkymark is acting. What a messed up individual! I actually feel sorry for people like him, that they can't find something better to do with their pathetic lives. Very sad really!

That is because you made a post that was designed to provoke a negative negative response from him!

If you don't want the flags don't make posts like that, its simple

"That is because you made a post that was designed to provoke a negative negative response from him!"

So let me get this straigh! Steemit allows the posting of virtually anything on its site, including pornography and other such filth. Yet if anyone speaks out against it, they are not only downvoted for that particular post, but the so-called Steemit "witnesses" are allowed to be as vindictive as they choose, go back and downvote all that user's posts and comments regardless of their content, and essentially destroy that member's reputation? It's no wonder that Steemit is quickly coming to an end as it continues to lose members faster than they join.

"If you don't want the flags, don't make posts like that, its simple"

Better still, like most Steemit members (past and present), I will be leaving the Steemit platform as soon as my steem power has been fully powered down.

This twat literally logged onto a place he considered as a Cesspool to remark on what someone they grouped together with "low life scum" voted for, and they have the nerve to say that no normal person would vote like that, as if the reader is oblivious to the insulting tripe that implicates those in "control" of steem as pedophiles and 'other such low life scum'. Fucking retards and hypocrites. What normal person doesn't think : let me check in on this cesspool of pedophiles just one more time and obsess over what others are doing, because I'm not completely retarded.

I think the point here is that if simple name-calling is a "crime" then all name-calling should be downvoted.

And on the other hand, if there "are-no-rules" and "might-makes-right", then JUST SAY THAT and stop pretending downvotes are "justified".

No, the point is that if you despise this place so much that you have to resort to levying baseless inflammatory accusations which amount to Child Rape/Abuse against the entire community and targeting large stakeholders specifically then you might as well simply stop coming to such a despicable place. It has absolutely nothing to do with downvoting, period.

While I tend to agree with you on this particular point, I do think it's important to maintain at least some tacit pretense of Uniform Standards of Evidence (USOE) regarding what constitutes a "violation".

And that's not an issue and can never be as everything is transparent and public. Right now the twat that called steem a Cesspool of Fraud and Corruption controlled by Pedophiles is denying it, as if it's debatable in the least what was said on here.

Downvoted to counter the curation rewards for such a detestable twat.

I'm pretty sure that was a below minimum payout vote.

"This twat literally logged onto a place he considered as a Cesspool"

I think I made it quite clear that I am still here only because I am waiting for my Steem Power to be powered down, so that I can withdraw it, and leave the Steemit platform, just as so many hundreds of thousands have done before me. Try changing the power down period to 4 weeks or less, and see how fast Steemit's few remaining members will leave.

lol yeah, get the fuck out of here, you're only here to slander the entire platform and everyone involved AS you power down. Only if you'd just make like a tree and leave.

Thanks again for your kind words, and for letting other members know how those who are suppose to be setting good examples, actually react to conflict. Words and actions like yours, especially when they come from someone who is suppose to have a higher reputation and set a good example, will do far more to destroy the Steemit Platform than I ever could. Thanks for helping to bring down Steemit!

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