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in #steemit5 years ago

No other significant public forum requires members to invest money in the platform.

No capital investment is required.

No other significant public forum offers free permanent web hosting and 100%transparency (blockchain FTW!!).

Sure you can get downvoted, but you know who did it.

If you get flagged (insta-banned) on or fa.cebuk or pa.ypal, you have ZERO recourse.

ZERO. You don't know who did it, you have no way of asking them, and you have nobody to request help from.


Oh please....

"No capital investment is required."

Sure there is! Without an investment in Steem, there is virtually nothing you can do on Steemit.

"No other significant public forum offers free permanent web hosting and 100%transparency (blockchain FTW!!)."

Neither does Steemit! "free permanent web hosting" is totally useless if you have zero reputation, and your posts and comments keep getting downvoted and hidden. That is not free web hosting! As for 100% transparency...So what? Knowing something is not a solution, nor is there any mechanism at Steemit to find and carry out a solution once the problem is known.

"Sure you can get downvoted, but you know who did it."

Knowing who did it makes little if any difference, as long as nothing is done about it, and they are allowed to continue downvoting, hiding posts, and ruining reputations.

"If you get flagged (insta-banned) on or fa.cebuk or pa.ypal, you have ZERO recourse. ZERO. You don't know who did it, you have no way of asking them, and you have nobody to request help from."

And what recourse do the vast majority of members have on Steemit? ZERO!
Have all those members I listed who are engaged in little more than downvoting other members been removed from the Steemit platform? I didn't think so! So where is the recourse? There isn't any!

Without an investment in Steem, there is virtually nothing you can do on Steemit.

You can easily identify users with high-rep and post thoughtful comments to get their attention.

I've actually been very impressed with high-rep users responsiveness.

I've received several non-boilerplate replies from ura-soul, crypto.piotr, themarkymark, and even gooddream.

Socky and me-tarzan even gave me MASSIVE upvotes!

"You can easily identify users with high-rep and post thoughtful comments to get their attention."

Perhaps, but I find that even the most positive of comments rarely get votes from high-reputation authors. They simply do not engage in upvoting those with lower reputations than themselves.

"I've actually been very impressed with high-rep users responsiveness."

Then, congratulations! You are indeed the exception to the rule. As I stated above, it is very rare that higher reputation members will ever upvote those with lower reputations than themselves...very rare indeed. It simply does not happen very often.

Ok, maybe "easily" was a bit of an overstatement.

It's a roll-of-the-dice, but your odds are way better than any casino.

Have all those members I listed who are engaged in little more than downvoting other members been removed from the Steemit platform?

That's the beauty of the blockchain. Nobody can be banned. Nobody can stop you from sending or receiving direct transfers or delegations of steem.

Your bank can flag you and freeze your account (real cash-money-dollars) at any time and for any reason, they don't have to explain it to you and they don't even have to charge you with a crime.

Pa.ypal can also kick you off their platform (permanently, they have your ID) and freeze your funds for 6 months and nobody can even ask why.

"That's the beauty of the blockchain. Nobody can be banned."

No, there is no beauty in that! In fact, the fact that nobody can be banned is one of the biggest flaws with the Steemit platform. Without the ability to ban abusers, Steemit is turning into a cesspool of undesirable activities, not the least of which is all the porn that the system is attracting, all of which is a huge deterrent against finding new members, at least those with reputable standards.

"Your bank can flag you and freeze your account (real cash-money-dollars) at any time and for any reason, they don't have to explain it to you and they don't even have to charge you with a crime."

That is simply NOT true! There are many safeguards in place to prevent that from ever happening, at least with any kind of a reputable bank.

"Pa.ypal can also kick you off their platform (permanently, they have your ID) and freeze your funds for 6 months and nobody can even ask why."

I fully support PayPal and what it is by far the most widely used and without exception, THE safest payment gateway on the planet, bar none.

"Your bank can flag you and freeze your account (real cash-money-dollars) at any time and for any reason, they don't have to explain it to you and they don't even have to charge you with a crime."

That is simply NOT true! There are many safeguards in place to prevent that from ever happening, at least with any kind of a reputable bank.

It is 100% true, I've seen it with my own eyes. And it was a "reputable bank" (if there even is such a thing) one of the "too-big-to-fail" banks. They cited the Bank Secrecy Act.

I couldn't pay rent or buy groceries or gas for two full weeks.

Put that on your list of things you'll never see in the MSM.

"Pa.ypal can also kick you off their platform (permanently, they have your ID) and freeze your funds for 6 months and nobody can even ask why."

I fully support PayPal and what it is by far the most widely used and without exception, THE safest payment gateway on the planet, bar none.

They permanently ban people for no reason.

Pa.ypal is one of the biggest ponzi-schemes on the planet earth.

If you are currently using pa.ypal, I'd recommend exploring a backup-plan in case you get insta-banned with zero notice.

"They permanently ban people for no reason."

PayPal does not ban people for no reason! There is always a reason, and usually a good one, even though the PayPal member may not like the reason. This is something that I have been very closely involved with for almost 20 years. I have seen all kinds of complaints, and upon investigation, found that it was not quite as the complainer initially claimed.

From experience, I have found that there are always two sides to every story, but that it is somewhere in the middle that you will eventually find the truth.

"Pa.ypal is one of the biggest ponzi-schemes on the planet earth."

PayPal is not even remotely close to a ponzi-scheme by any stretch of the imagination.

"If you are currently using pa.ypal, I'd recommend exploring a backup-plan in case you get insta-banned with zero notice."

Thanks, but I'll remain with PayPal. After almost 20 years, and more than 150,000 transactions (both paying and receiving) with only a handful of very minor incidents, I can say with 100% certainty, that I fully trust the PayPal platform, much more so in fact than any other payment processor on the planet.

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