in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Everything in life that we use could use a little upgrade, right? Well, I have some pretty awesome ideas on how to make steemit a better platform. I'm sure they have already thought of this but just in case they haven't, this can give them some pretty cool ideas. You don't have to like it, it's just some ideas. :) So here we go!

1.) DISLIKE BUTTON- I think if steemit provides a dislike button, blogs wouldn't get flagged as they are now. People are using this flag button as a way of saying, "hey, I hate your blog". Not only will blogs be flagged free, but the nasty comments will probably tone down a hunch, as well. :)

2.) BACKGROUND DISPLAY/COLORS-This would help bring the blog to life. Adding a background or color would be more eye catching, don't ya think?

3.) LIVE STEEMIT- This would also be an awesome way to interact with other bloggers/groups of bloggers if we could do a LIVE steam from steemit.

4.) "ACTIVE" USERS- This would be an awesome feature to have so we can see who is active and online at the given moment. And if this feature included the abilities to chat with the users, this would be super cool too!

5.) BLOCKING- If we could block certain bloggers, this would save a headache. Some people can be very annoying and abrasive. It would be best if we could simply click the "block user" button and move on with our lives. LOL. Just a thought :)

So, those are just some of the ideas that I have, for now. I'm sure I will think of some more later, preferably a second after I post this blog. LOL. And please note, this is not to say that STEEMIT isn't already amazing, but I'm simply just putting some thoughts and ideas out there.

And yes, I do understand this is still a new platform. :) Like I said, just giving some ideas and wondering what ya'll think of them? YAY? NAY? Have some ideas of your own?

And please do excuse me for my choice of words, as I have not had a wink of sleep yet. It's definitely not an excuse, but I tend to blog better when I am fully functioning. So I think on that note, I'm going to leave it as is, and try to get some rest.


Your Friend,


it could also be useful to see a blogger's time zone when he posts

Yes, I love that idea!

and I would like to see who are these "and 7 more" on the bottom of the list of those who upvoted me

Some good ideas there. How about

  • profile pics
  • changeable identy names (now account name is used)
  • viewable profiles

I am still learning, so some of these may exist.

LOVE it! Can't believe I didn't think of that! lol

Nice recommendations. Hopefully some will be implemented.

I am hoping so! :)

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