Steemit community!!!!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)



Is there any way to teach some mean hypocrites a lesson?

Honestly, I’m so disappointed.
I thought that steemit was something else. That was a respectful community where people respect each other and know how to behave and act. Where people try to show and share some good contents, not only for a quick buck.
But I was wrong! It’s just a regular place where people don’t respect others call them names, curse and use the their steem power to flag them just because they don’t like them.

Is that a real point and goal?

I thought you can use your steem power to do good things for example flag and downvote people who don’t know how to behave, who are disrespectful and mean and do bad things.

But I see some of those steem whales using their steem power for a bad purpose. Just to show how much power they have.

But I know one thing if you don’t respect others even your steem power will not help to be respected by others.

And if there is any steemit administrators, fair people who can stop those who really just play games it would be great. Because those steem “gurus” are going to ruin this community by doing it.


How to stop them to do it? There should be some rules. It can’t be like this! Where people with a lot of steem power can ruin those who have less just because they don’t like them. If there is nothing wrong with posts they are posting why are you even flag that?


This really a terrible thing. Especially when your husband's curation trail is such a good thing. Nothing that a good old punch in the nose wouldn't fix but these people stay so anonymous

That’s so annoying especially when you know you can’t do anything. That’s so unfair. If he at least did something wrong I can understand that but he is trying to build something for people and help them.
I think that’s just a regular jealousy.

I'm very upset because he built something so that a minnow like me can earn a lot of money through steem. He's a true steemit hero. I think steemit will be gone without him because nobody is active here. I saw the trail as the most incredible opportunity on steemit and it costs him money to allow me to make money. He's the best guy ever. I'm so sad to see him power down.

Although many persons agree with your point, many will still not say anything because they are afraid of being flagged.

It's true that there is a power imbalance in the steemit community. Not much has been done to address this issue of malicious flagging, in my opinion.

If you ask me, the flagging option should should be removed totally. If anyone has any issue with any post it should simply be reported, and such complaints would be handled by sane individuals appointed by STEEM INC. it's really not that difficult

@linakay I fully share your opinion and that of @nonsowrites.

Steemit is like a jungle and you can be always surprised. They must have a reason to flag a post. It is not that they dont like the user, but maybe because of any abuse : wrong tag, copy/paste or even a topic that doesnt deserve high upvotes.

No, my husband doesn’t do any of what you listed above. What more he created the trail and helps people to grow their accounts. One day he just posted a sentence the same way one mad guy did and he started to flag him and call him names for no reason. If anybody else did that he would have flagged them. He just uses his steem power and play games. Obviously he doesn’t like my husband. And I would lik to find someone who could stop him. Because there have to be some rules.

OK please tell your husband to join this Discord Channel and they will help him about the flags and revenge matter.

Are they really going to help? Because that person is not friendly and if he sees some action he will start flagging immediately.

Yes it will help. Dont worry they are a full community acting against revenge.

14.1.1. Use of our Services in any manner that could interfere with, disrupt, negatively affect, or inhibit other users from fully enjoying our Services, or that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the functioning of our Services in any manner;

Basically no one gives a shit.... Its sad

Well, there has to be some option for reporting impropriate behavior.
However, flagging isn't the best. I am always for prevention option. Before something is posted there should be restrictions so there would be less impropriate content at the start.

And if there is any steemit administrators

This is blockchain, there is no administrators!

So it means there are no rules? I understand to flag some bad contests but regular steemians for no reason? That’s what only Bernie Sanders does. He ruins this community by destroying others accounts just because he doesn’t like the person who owns it.
Watch my post being flagged in 1...,2....,3

It's blockchain, only stake counts here.
I'm free to do anything with my SP, you too, Bernie too.

This is the price of decentralized, (censorship free), blockchain based social media platform.

@berniesanders was one of the first miners, so he have lot's of sp. No one can force to stop flagging/upvoting/posting...

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