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RE: PUH-LENTY! 🔶 Perceptions & Manifestations of Scarcity Thinking in the Steemniverse

in #steemit7 years ago

Gosh I don't know where to begin (and @jakeybrown) both raise some seriously important points both in your beautiful article and in his insightful comment. Loving gratitude to you both for both!! 😎❤️👍

Wholeheartedly agree with you abundant mind set comes from both the attitude of gratitude and a surrender to the flow, an allowing, accepting and trusting state of BEing. Almost the opposite of how we as children, amd later as adults, have been trained/indoctrinated to be. I call it the me me me as opposed to the we we we! A simple enough switch in thinking which has a profound impact on us at an individual as well as potentially at a collective level.

The moment we give in to fear, envy or competitive mind sets we lose power. Power to create, power to harmonise with the multiverse, power to be cocreators both collectively and individually. And ultimately (ironically) if all things are inextricably connected aren't they both the same thing anyway?

In relation to the steemit journey it can feel a little discouraging to not receive much recognition for the work you spend hours planning, penning and writing. And many will indeed slip into the envy mindset seeing some whales post relatively paltry posts in comparison...but if people fall prey to this stalking envy monster they have forgotten that the whales have also had the hard slog too...when you witness whales reaping mega upvotes it must be remembered that we have not seen the journey that preceeded this...the efforts they have put in that are masked by the success now enjoyed.

Privileged be a follower of such illuminated insight @barge thank you ❤️


Awesome post..

but if people fall prey to this stalking envy monster they have forgotten that the whales have also had the hard slog too

It's easy to see where people are and not look at where they've been. Every whale on here either invested a great deal or worked hard on the platform early on. But it's really easy for our perception of things to put us in a negative mindset, one of envy. I've fallen prey, but I always remind myself to do me and put out my own work and just keep building.

One thing I see here on steemit is a hugely undervalued spiritual community. Like there are some amazing people on here and I hope they start sharing more about their own journey's.

I think as long as we keep building and supporting eachother we are gonna kill it here.

Thanks for the kind words :)

Completely agree @jakeybrown when I put my work out on steemit I am not seeking external validation, I am however looking to ensure that whatever creatively comes forth from my inner depths is in alignment with what I want to accomplish. When I achieve that I am satisfied. And that's enough. More than enough actually.

The undervaluing of the spiritual community on steem is, for me, a fairly accurate reflection of the mentality and default setting of most societies around the world right now, And again this also plays into @barge's article here....everyone knows the price of everything (bitcoin comes to mind) and the value of nothing (Oscar Wilde if I remember that correctly). It's changing, as I said before, because just as we have come to appreciate and know the value of our inner worlds, of the value of kindness and the interconnected reality of all things...others will too. 100th monkey syndrome and all. It's on those of us who are rubbing the sleep from our eyes to help other awaken from their slumbers, with great gentleness and kindness, and show them the way.

And if a by product of that is that we kill it...lets kill it with kindness!!! 😊👍❤️

It's on those of us who are rubbing the sleep from our eyes to help other awaken from their slumbers, with great gentleness and kindness, and show them the way.

Absolutely, and with the number of people on here who are spiritually inclined, I think we can get a pretty strong movement going :) I'll brainstorm, I've got a few solid people following me and I always make sure to follow them because they are producing great content too!

Music to my ears @jakeybrown, deLIGHTful, needful, and I'd love to have a conversation about that. How can we do that?

Hop on discord, we can shoot some ideas back and forth

same username #8257 is the four digit code

Very kind words @lilygolightly, thank you 🔆

if all things are inextricably connected aren't they both the same thing anyway?

Agreed. There is only the Oneness of inter-connection. Separation is an in-between illusion and mighty tool of learning and consciousness-expansion :D.

In relation to the steemit journey it can feel a little discouraging to not receive much recognition for the work you spend hours planning, penning and writing. And many will indeed slip into the envy mindset seeing some whales post relatively paltry posts in comparison

Sure, observed it in myself. But then I rationalise it out. If what I post aligns with my internal integrity, I can be happy with it even if nobody else sees it. I ask myself why I feel negatively about it and then realise that it's not about competition - that belongs to old paradigm thinking and the scarcity mindset. In a world of abundance - and Steemit is or could be that world - comparison is meaningless. If someone has 10 cars and I have only a bicycle, I don't need to worry or feel small as my transportational needs for the moment are taken care of, and, when the need for motorised transport arises, I am confident that I will have the means to procure it or else my need may be spotted by the owner who lends me one of the cars for the day! Either way it gets taken care of without requiring much further thought on my part! Seeing this in action in my own life certainly helps me to have belief in it, which in turn reinforces the positive cycle :D.


That old turkey...what goes around, comes ludicrously relevant here @barge

And another oldie but goldie...we get out what we put in.

Simples innit, like???

DOing it...ah well, there's the rub. Self mastery is a work in progress for most of us and requires discipline and effort to get the old monkey mind to shut the heck up and stop telling us 'we can't' or 'we don't deserve it' or 'we're not good enough' or whatever other nonsense it spouts about!

Fact is there is ALWAYS enough. We are, each and everyone of us, more than good enough. We ALWAYS get what we need. And scarcity is a fiction created by the mind to allow us to fail, be lazy or give up!

Ha!!! Caught you little monkey mind...didn't see that one coming did it?! 🙊🙈🙉😎

Hey Lily, just a subtle point, maybe:

Self mastery is a work in progress

I wonder about this and have done so in the past! Might this be yet another way of the ego/monkey mind "'telling us 'we can't' or 'we don't deserve it' or 'we're not good enough'".

If the NOW is all that exists, what is the notion of 'progress' but yet another way of telling us we are imperfect and incomplete etc etc? Perhaps it is this very notion that IS the force that prevents the 'DO'ing????? - because it's perceived as a perpetual and neverending work in progress (which it IS of course in its own way)...the distortion may be in conflating the notion of evolution (work in progress) with imperfection IMO.

Alan Watts once said that if we are trying to do something, then we obviously don't know how to do it, else we'd be doing it and not merely trying to! Perhaps we are simply trying too hard - after all, the trying thing of effort-making is pushed very hard on us in early years and forms a deep deep impression. Could this be yet another expression of it, I wonder!!??

Yes @barge it might very well be. I think we could indeed conflate "trying" to be better with a scarity of does rather imply the other doesn't it?

That said a snowdrop buried beneath the soil, hemmed down by the weight of earth, further trapped by the solid crust of permafrost struggles through these obstacles to reach the light of day and bloom in the pale winter sun.

It IS already perfection, yet it still seeks the light. Maybe we could see the snowdrop's journey as an allegory for the evolution of conscious?

Sure Lily it's a very nice one too: the flower rising, opening and blooming :D

The word that checks me is 'struggle'. I think that is a question of perspective and possibly yet another 'monkey mind' thaang..... Again, for me, everything is accurate! To resist reality is to 'struggle', and to embrace it is to stop struggling.

Yep totally agreed @barge the word struggle IS a challenge to the "flow and grow" in the natural order of things we just do and will grow from the ever present now! And yet, and yet, is the effort required by the delicate snowdrop as it pushes it's little head against the soil and the frost easy? I wonders!!!?

I too wonder :D - if the notion of ascribing such concepts as easy or difficult to the snowdrop's experience of pushing through is itself a projection of some aspect of the human mind. Surely for the snowdrop, there is no value judgement and no sentimentality, it just is. Does the snowdrop doubt its own ability to push through? Does it agonise over the obstacles, or even view them as obstacles? I don't see resistance, I don't see struggle!

Of course there isn't @barge you're quite right there. We are using the snowdrop purely as an allegory or analogy for the human condition. I do totally under, and inner, stand your idea of allowing, of BEing perfect exactly as we are, with no need to prove, no struggle and no resistance. But how many people do you know who are able to free flow in this way who never encounter any obstacles, never have any lessons to learn in the so-called school of hard knocks? My point is that sometimes the human struggle is what makes us stronger and sometimes the pain and sadness people endure turns them to face the light and embrace the truth of who they are.

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