Censorship, Smensorship.

in #steemit8 years ago

this is to steemit in general.

there is obviously more than this but,
a beginning would be the disappearance of one of two things.

the ability to destroy someone else's ability to contribute value and content
and obscure their content into ignominy

OR the power disparity as based in any way in anything other than
curation accuracy and quality, with a more public review.

i'm still missing many pieces to this puzzle but this seems to be a particularly shiny one.

the flag clearly functions differently than some believe.
while it may be technically less than censorship,
it is still a major effect on the visibility of content.
if this is done because of a disagreement on style or attitude it is wrong.
if someone wants to mute someone, mute them,
if someone wants to not upvote someone, don't.
flagging has the more profound effect of
obstructing the visibility of the content from others.

i don't want you or anyone choosing for me or
obscuring my ability to see the truths in the world,
especially for what someone else perceives and experiences as negativity.

i see many people trying to get away with
promoting the idea that flagging
contains no degree at all of an attempt to conceal, hide, veil, or withhold,
and belittling any who do not take the most narrow definition of censorship.
this is a deceptive attempt to control of itself.
do we need to all be lawyers to know
when someone is trying to hide something because it doesn't make them happy?
if you are ashamed of humanity, why are you here?
every voice should be able to be heard,
even if only to serve as an example of what not to do.
the misuse of the concept of bullying
to bully those with which one does not agree, into silence, is rampant.

the spirit or the letter, these are the differences between liberty and dogma.
is dogmatic freedom really freedom?
imposed by the letter and not expressed by the individual.

image: upload.wikimedia.org


Keep kicking ass yo!

serious though, you have better input then I could ever have. people needto be listening to what you say imo.

i guess i just don't know how to motivate people to listen. usually comes out as belittling, or straight up insults. when i am trying to make a cogent argument about something for which i am passionate, i have to run it through my "normal people" filter or it comes out as bitter and spiteful.

the people that ake it as bitter or stiteful are prolly just using that as an excuse to not open their eyes to the truth. sometimes the truth is so bright it is painful to look at.
Just keep it up, you don't need to motivate people to listen. you keep speaking the truth and people will listen and support you. it might be slow but it is happening. cant rush the truth even though we wish we could.
Atleast imo

that is all i have figured out is to keep doing. i am getting better at not being an ass about it. still far to go.

It fucked my brain.
That poor chicks leg.
the whole thing makes you feel for them bu at the same time it shows some fucked up shit. I asked beanz to watch and let me know what she thinks. im hoping her saying she all feminist will have some good input.
Shits crazy, sweeden is fucked.

doing way better then me on not acting a ass. lol
you think you got a long way, shit I got miles more then you. xD
hey I just watched this it came out today, it fucked my brain up.
if you check it out let me know what you think. I even asked beanz to watch and tell me what she thinks. shell feminatzi so I doubt she will watch it, lol

shit is crazy af imo.

holy flaming bag of shit! with the head chopping and everything.

Totally agree with you!

thank you. just something that occurred to me reading about sock puppets.

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