I need to sleep but Steemit has me pumped up more than caffeine has ever affected me!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Sleep is for the sheep!

Not really, we all need sufficient rest to perform at our best. I just can't sleep at the moment due to a slight Steemit addiction! I'd like to officially open the SAA chapter for Steemit Addicts Anonymous!
I've always had an addictive personality...proof positive lies in my never ending struggle to quit smoking those cancer sticks. I obviously know that smoking is bad for my health, hence my multiple attempts at quitting. Anyone got a smoke I can bum? I see you taunting me @lordvader!

I'm getting off-topic but I guess these tangents my mind takes me on have a meaning behind them. I have to come to accept I am currently a victim of the relentless tobacco industry. At least I am am aware of my problem and conscientiously trying to approach it in a manner to destroy the precept my mind has become accustomed to.

I find myself writing posts like this and deleting them before my balls drop enough to post them. I guess this hesitation is still a looming effect from being active on such social media platforms like Facebook that breed censorship, derogatory comments and plenty more that are harmful to the soul and any individual that succumbs to the norms of society deciding it's a good idea to post their every thought for the condemning and quick to judge public to see in search of instant gratification.

Do a few likes, shares, retweets or follows really affect your life? Most likely not, unless you are some sort of social media juggernaught!

That's what I love about Steemit! It's a community where thoughts are welcome without the relentless negativity present on every other platform.

Had to vent and get a few things off my mind before it would allow me to shut down and get some sleep.

I guess the euphoria of reaching 100 followers finally has boosted my system!

Edit: just replied to a comment and wanted to share a thought that crossed my mind while writing this post.

"Regrets are bets against your future. Forget them and move on with positivity."

"Wake up and smell the books burning!"

Sweet Dreams Steemians!

Follow me @liberty-minded


Can totally relate to the Steemit addiction lol
Too many nights have I looked up and did the OMFG is that the sun coming up. As for being a Steemaholic I think I'll roll with it for a good wile....only addiction I've ever had that MADE me money. Caffeine anyone ?
Up voted and followed :)

lol.....oh shit, the Sun is coming up!

Upvote and follow just for the name. And ya I need to go to sleep too. But I can't be sheep. Look forward to seeing your future posts!

Thanks for taking the time @drpuffnstuff! If I could puff some STUFF I could probably get some sleep!

Great thread! I'm a bad sleeper too with a nicotine addiction, I know how hard it is to quit smoking and I'm certainly open to lending an ear to help if I can.

I appreciate it! It's a daily struggle!

I am an insomniac. So i know how you feel. I developed insomnia in the Marines. But I am also a smoker. So probably doesn't help. lol.

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