Why Facebook Will Lose to Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

In this article I will explore why Steemit is bound to take a bite into Facebook's user base.

Steemit is a social media platform much like Facebook in the sense that you can do many of the same activities on the platform including like (upvote) share (resteem) post and comment.

It is unlike Facebook in the sense that instead of collecting your personal data Steemit doesn't rely on this activity to fund itself. In addition you actually get paid for contributing content (posts) and comments if other users approve of your ideas and opinions.

Here are some ideas that Freddy brought up about Facebook that I strongly agree with...

1) If there is no product, you are the product

Facebook is notorious for collecting data from its user base and selling that data to any other interested party. In addition they have no problems bombarding it's user base with advertisements.

2) Censorship

Facebook has been caught many times in the act of censorship whether it be for political or economic reasons.

2) Extortion

Facebook has complete control of who sees your posts and who doesn't. If you want a wider audience you have to pay for promotion. Its really that simple.

In what ways will Steemit lure users away from Facebook?

Steemit has a revolutionary social networking platform with the following benefits.

1.) Get paid to write and contribute.

2.) Use your capital to support others you believe in and actually help them get paid.

3.) Conduct most of the same activities you would do on Facebook without fear of Steemit selling your personal information.

4.) Express yourself without fear of censorship

Final Thoughts

There will be many battles fought on Steemit's road to greatness but given time I believe more and more Facebook users will realize that they are getting a bad deal and as a result they will adopt Steemit as an alternative.

Please leave your thoughts and comments below. Thanks for reading!


@freddy008 ' Steemit vs Facebook'


... I agree. Farcebook is going the way of the Dinosaurs!
post on steem.jpg

I haven't use my Facebook for almost a year now.

The only great thing about fb is the fact I can keep all my friends and family in one place. That platform does make it easy to communicate with them. Until Steemit evolves from simply a blogging platform to more of a social media outlet, fb is not going anywhere. Sorry to say.

I now use facebook as a way to tell my friends and family about my posts on Steemit :)) Exactly as it says, if you arent paying for it or putting in effort for the product, then you are the product

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