Connecting With People Through Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

After my rant about work ethic the other day, I received some amazing feedback. Seems I had left out a critical component from my video, and a few Steemians were quick to point it out. I'm thankful they did.

It's funny how "the universe", or your brain, or whatever it is tends to push information your way when you need to hear it. Right after I posted that video I had a visit with @terrybrock where we planned out a couple of collaborations, and wouldn't you know it, we again got on the subject that I had let slip.

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Two of my most popular posts were all about connection. (See them here, and here.) It's ironic for a writer to let this slip. Because when you think about it, that's what writing is for. It's a way to connect to people through time and space. I try to lay it all out there in my writing. To be vulnerable. Honest. Authentic.

All of this is an attempt to connect. And yet, when discussing the ingredients for growth on Steemit, connecting with people outside of my own content completely slipped my mind.

How amazing is it to have a platform that incentivizes sharing good content and connecting with people from all over the globe? The paradigm shift that is the crypto-revolution cannot be overstated. It's changing the world. It will bring about a new era of peace and prosperity. It's bigger than the industrial revolution. It has the potential to give individuals more power to live freer than at any time in our known history. And here we have a platform that is literally building on that technology to incentivize real, honest, person-to-person connection.

I am excited to be living through this and humbled to be an active part of it.

With all the change, principles remain.

Connecting with people is a primary ingredient for happiness. And yet, we can easily get caught up in the numbers, the processes, the work ethic, and the productivity hacks. We strive to learn. To grow. To hone our abilities.

We make art.

We market.

We work.

We need to remember...

Art is created to connect.

Marketing only works when we connect.

The work we do only has value to those who connect to it.

This is a reminder to myself: Work hard. Build good habits. Get better at the work I do. But be sure to make time to connect to people.

Read more.

Comment more.

Share more.

Build your future by building genuine connections.

First face-to-face meeting of The First Four. Voluntarist Brotherhood Motorcycle Club.

Left to Right: Hank The Red, Me @layl, Brennon @panegyric, Anam Paiseanta


A quick note for those new to my stuff:

I write in several places that have a lot of carryovers, as well as exclusive content for each. If you connect with any of my writing, you might enjoy checking these out as well:

My Steemit Blog

Live All Your Life

InSync Center For Fitness


Hope to connect with you soon!






"Live all your life" I like that a lot.

Was exactly that kind of thinking that led me here! I was thinking I spend so much time with the folks I've met in the last 6 weeks here that I had stopped meeting new people outside that group. Clicked NEW and here we are. Enjoyed the article, and passed it on. Good stuff.

Great timing! Lol. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for sharing. I truly appreciate it!

I'm certainly going to be following your progress as I attempt to do the same thing. I'm right behind you... or beside you! Keep up the good work!

Thanks Mike, it's great to see you back.

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