With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

in #steemit6 years ago
"Freedom and order are not incompatible... truth is strength... free discussion is the very life of truth." -Thomas Huxley

Well, it's been my first week here on Steemit. I can only give the words of praise to people who have designed and realized this platform. I was seriously thinking about leaving Facebook and Youtube and continuing to publish my content here. Personally, my motto is - Question everything, so I've never taken things for granted. I like a good discussion, without hesitation, backed up by good arguments. I learned if I was wrong to apologize and accept the new truth for me. I will not claim things that I'm not 100% sure, but I will challenge everyone to discuss topics that are not quite clear to me.

What I learned

I used to believe that all governments of the world are working for the betterment of their citizens, but in time, it is already clear to young children that it is not so. So I believed that UN was working for peace in the world until I started working for them. I spent 3 years in the UNPROFOR mission and had first-hand proof about the lies of this organization. I have been thinking many times to quit working for them in that 3 years, but at that time it was difficult to find any job, so I clenched my teeth every time I saw something and kept working. I used to believe that doctors and pharmacists work for the benefit of people. But as time went by and I gathered more personal experiences, I realized that most they did not work for the benefit of people, but only for money and benefits. I'm not claiming that all doctors are acting like that, but many are.

The doctor and his wife

I learned how many people in the system are two-faced. As can be seen from my earlier postings, I am an activist, mostly for the liberation of Cannabis. On one occasion, I had a discussion with a doctor, oncologyst, who claimed that we are talking nonsense and that there is no evidence that Cannabis treats severe illness. After a couple of hours, we split each his way. It's been two years since that conversation and one day my phone rang. On the other side was that doctor, asking me if we could meet. We met again and I thought the debate from 2 years ago will continue. We sat in a cafe and ordered a drink. I saw he was nervous and somehow embarrassed. First we talked a bit about the irrelevant things that have happened in the last 2 years. At one point he just said, "My wife has cancer." I looked at him and saw the first time a human in him. The first thing I asked him was what exactly diagnosis are we talking about. He said she had breast cancer that metastasized to her liver and that conventional medicine could not help her. They also tried with 2 cycles of invasive chemotherapy, which only worsened the condition, as he says. He said he remembered our conversation and started exploring the Internet. Meanwhile, it has been published hundreds of cannabis studies. Since he did not know whom to ask for help, he called me. He asked me to explain everything about the high percentage of THC, dosage, and side effects. In the end, he asked me if I could help him with the purchase of  THC oil. Since I do not judge people, because I believe everyone can change, I have linked him to people who gave him good quality oil. I remained in contact with him and through 4 months the metastases on the liver retreated and there was only a very small tumor mass in the breast. In the next 2 months, the tumor in the breast decreased by 90% and was encapsulated, dead. After overall 8 months, the woman was cancer free. We both were happy with the result. Another life was saved.

As time pass by

After a few months, we started with the idea of ​​collecting health records from cured people to create a database for people to use, without personal data on them. Usually, people came to meet us and gave us copies of their medical records. I remembered that doctor too and called him. I asked him whether he was willing to give us his wives medical record, which he immediately declined. I was a little bit shocked by his answer. He said he had to look after his reputation, his work and that he doesn't want to have anything to do with it. In the end, he said - that never happened.

I know I did the right thing, but somehow I felt betrayed. So, in this case, selfishness won again. He got what he wanted and now nothing matters anymore. Neither the people who he "cures" nor people who die because of his "treatments". I do not say that all the doctors are such, far from that. But somehow I was hoping that at least he would raise a voice for this purpose at least among doctors, which never happened.

He was also convinced that he was right and doing the right thing 2 years ago, at our first conversation. But time always shows the truth.

This is just an introduction to what I would like to discuss here, and that is - Question Everything. 

This commentary made me think about staying on Steemit:

If it is established that censorship is being pursued by individuals with a large Steem power, then this may not be the place for me and I will go to some other place. Will the Steemit community lose something with my departure? I don't think so because the one who is looking for the truth will find it.

Message to Flaggers: "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility". But most of them are unaware of that. Like the aforementioned doctor .

So much from me this time, and now I'm going to dedicate myself to drawing comics again.

Be good and love each other.

Recommended reading: You can find good content at Spirit of revolution, mainly anarchy oriented. Spiritual and consciousness related material at TheCrowhouse. Cannabis posts that I like drutter & Ganja Farmer. Travel with Travel Girl.

Wow It's a powerful story that say a lot about people. I'm shocked to read that doctor didn't want to help you with medical record for his wife. But you did the right thing to do.

Can you write more about your experience in UN?

Don't get discourage by people like @sneak. There is always someone who thinks he knows it all, so got desire to silence others. If we gave up after every insult from protectors of official narrative, we would gave up long time ago.

Keep up with great posts!!!

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