Can Steemit affect your self-esteem?

in #steemit7 years ago

Since the "social network", we have seen how privacy becomes a privilege. There are people who have seen this as a way of doing business. Psychologically we feel more attracted to those people who without any fear of being judged or criticized, show us their life as it is. In social network this is very easy. Instagram has become the window to the personal lives of millions of people, but, is this really healthy?


One of the causes of depression is feeling dissatisfied with some aspect of life. Now, with all the boom in social networks, we know everything that most people do, but only show us the good things.

No couple uploads a story of their fight to Instagram, the influencer of the moment does not reveal their economic problems and thus could cite several cases. A more typical example are the artists. We always think that they have a perfect life, because that is how they are sold to the public. One day we find out that they are addicted to drugs, they get divorced or they are broke. All people start to speculate "Why?".



Social networks have become a way of appearing before others. I do not want to say that it is wrong to share pleasant moments or to demonize these media. There are many people who enter these platforms and fall into the serious error of comparing their lives with those who follow or believe that the number of followers is directly proportional to their popularity.

This causes problems of depression because most people only publish their happy moments, creating a false illusion that their life is perfect. If a person who is experiencing sentimental problems, enters into he/her account and is overwhelmed with an amount of love and happy couples, can fall in comparison and feel worse.



If a girl wants to lose weight or follow a specific diet to achieve a certain figure but feels that she can not do it ...then she enters into her Instagram account, see how many girls have a nice body and falls into depression.

Social Networks can depress us, but just if we allow it. When we are in a down mood, we have a pessimistic sense of life and distorted reality based on that negative feeling. It is important to develop emotional intelligence. What is that? Simple. It is about learning to handle your feelings properly.

There are many people who lose strength and succumb in the wrong way: comparing themselves, feeling like losers for the achievements of others, desiring the things others presume and feeling that they have wasted their life. This is when a terrible scenario can occur: falling into severe depression and adopting destructive behaviors that in certain cases end with suicide.



My advice to those who have read this is: enjoy the technology healthily. Do not compare yourself, do not believe that others have a perfect life unless you are because they are far from reality. We all have good times, bad times, it's how we face them. Even the most trusting person has fears, secrets, things to lose, dreams, goals, illusions ... that's what life is all about.


Steemit is an example of this. By entering this platform you can adopt two behaviors: be patient and wait for the results; or live stressed by reviewing the reputation, profits and acceptance of other users and pretend that you quickly achieve something similar or better.

Sometimes I read a post from new people who are frustrated by the meager amount of upvotes their posts receive and they feels like they do not create quality content because no one reads it . Keep in mind one thing: It is a process. This is a world in which you must make yourself known, empathize and, above all, create content that seems good to you, because there is the ingredient of success: to be genuine and to believe in yourself.




Love is a Winner....

I totally agree with you :) it really is!

I think steemit can affect you in so many different ways than other social media...
Probably if you are on facebook, twitter or instagram, you would need to get good looking pictures with not much good content to be successful, but here all you need is good content...

This type of social network totally revolutionizes the basic concept that society has about how to manage an online profile. Steemit is about quality content and creativity. Plagiarism is penalized as well as attitudes that seek to destroy or intimidate other users. I really like Steemit because it allows me to be myself and meet other wonderful users who create great content. Thanks for reading me <3,

Steem on!

Así es... Definitivamente es algo completamente distinto... En twitter y facebook por ejemplo el cyber-bulling es un total éxito, aquí no puedes hacer eso...
Y de igual forma que puedes ganar dinero por solo mostrar las tetas y las nalgas, ganarás mucho más si muestras las neuronas, cosa que en otra red social es basicamente insignificante...
Estamos en el principio de una nueva era... Bienvenida! ;)

I completely agree with what you have said about steemit. Much like a photo on Instagram where people only care about the likes they get, I'm sure many people focus only on the potential payout of various posts, instead on writing what they enjoy.

There are many people in Steemit, who are discouraged because they do not receive money. That creates a sense of anxiety and they stop making posts. Since I met this social network I have dedicated to posting content that I like and I am very happy when other people comment on it :) money is a plus haha

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I accept :) Thanks !

Great post :):) People shouldn't fall for the illusion of happiness . Like you've said we all have to deal with life's realities and it's a roller coaster ride with some downs being worse and sime ups being better. Gg!!

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