The Education of a New LifesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks to Steemit


Seriously I have learned so much about Cryptocurrency, Exchanges, New Offerings and Platforms, that will be the future of our lives. This new paradigm suddenly thrust upon us, is taking shape and forming new directions for humanity, society and our children's future.

It is a great honor and opportunity we have been given, yet also exciting as we are pioneers of sorts in the new landscape.

One such opportunity is being paid to learn... and in turn share what we have learned from our new cultural formation. It is quite unlike the archaic educational school and university paradigm of old, where we enslave ourselves with a mostly useless education for this dynamic and changing world.

The old model of controlled memorize and regurgitate is finally over, replacing it is a choose and experiment strain of self education. And with the advent of Steemit, it is a paid process as opposed to paying for decades... for someone else's ideals. It is now an individual education that will yield more individual and innovative ideas, businesses and answers for an ever changing modern life. We will be able to advance faster, further and more fruitfully within this new model. People will again feel alive instead of corralled and despondent... a new energy for mankind is upon us.

New Horizons


We are also seeing professional life change as tired old redundant positions are disappeared. Positions of control now yielding to individual expression, creativity and innovation.

As example I have just learned of SMT, which could add yet another revenue stream for me going forward. Thanks to a post from @charles1:

More Future For You

Yes as you stay tuned to Steemit and it's great resources, you will be able to develop more and more income streams to replace your iffy pension possibilities.

We all know pensions, or even the value of them will be eaten away by thieves, inflation and changing rules. Most people are on their own folks... But We're Not!

With our growing community and cutting edge education right here on Steemit, we will stay in front of the reset.

Get your Children on Steemit

Get them on to learn Steemit, have fun as they learn our New World.

Teach them how to earn through shared value, networking, creating, reading and writing skills (we all sadly know this is not in our public schools). Get them into money creation, investing, learning about and the how to's of the new businesses cropping up that Will Shape Their Future and the World Around Them!

For the already retired

Or the disabled that are struggling with their meager incomes, this platform may even be a life changer/saver!

As more and more elderly are having to work in supermarkets, Uber and Lyft, just to survive... they have a means right here. But more importantly they will learn all of the great possibilities and potentials with a great education.

Income Streams

Steemit is the first platform for developing income via crypto generation, transfer, investment and networking.

It is also a mining tool to enable purchases of other Cryptos and Blockchain Companies. This can spawn 10's or 100's of investments generating income streams for the Educated, ensuring not only a secure, but also bright future for you and future generations!

These will become even automatic, expanding and exciting as they will be 24/7 and increasing in value each year.

Cutting Edge Technology

The Education also involves learning about the movers and shakers of the future. We not only learn about the Tokens, Voins and Currencies, we learn of the people that shaped it and their visions of the future.

Maintaining Arts and News

Now all this Tech can be a bit dry for some, but your Education here can also include the Arts, visual, performing and prose!

Yes it has been a great start, but it is just that... a beginning. We can continually shape and adapt to our needs as well as the worlds moving forward.

Steemit is a virtual encyclopedia and record of the new shift and evolution.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: a friend Cine S.


Good words and analysis. what you say is true there is a new era through Steemit also learned about the blockchaine world and this allows us to take care of our finances. I live in Venezuela and I am seeing how my finances and those of all here was destroyed by a corrupt government. This type of technology allows us to manage our resources if there are third parties. Besides the economic Steemit allows me to interact and meet people around the world. God bless you.

Is the Blockchain catching on in Venezuela? Are people able to access it, if so it is indeed a turning point! All the best to you and yours!

Thank you. The internet for now is free and only shows a deterioration of the service. Bitcoin is handled privately and in secret due to the prevailing insecurity. The minimum wage step from being one of the best in South America to being only 10 dollars. Very few people know the blockchaine and only the people with resources are starting to invest in them.

There are many with funds not investing yet... they will be the next wave.

hi, :) I'm glad you are so happy with the developments, I have to say at the begging here I was really thinking along the same lines, I even logged back into facebook and twitter, that's how much hope I had :D didn't last long, it took me around 5 logins there to stay away.

The truth is steemit could be awesome and I'd like to believe you, but personally I see a lot of problems as well, it's human activity in general, there are many aspects that are off in my view, the place it could be and what it is are not quite equalized yet, I do have very high hopes and high standards so yeah it's mostly great unless you start digging, then you can find some issues, mismanagement, politics again lack of responsibility. But it's fine for the most part and there is still a chance it can be something different and new rather than a rehash.

I'm dropping by to leave a link to a curation post I did, it features a older post from you, I have to say you won the first place too :) great write :) loved reading the Walnut story :D

so yeah feel free to stop by,

Humanness is tough to escape... but I like it here far more than the others.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

- Albert Einstein

You wrote long but very interesting article about steemit. Specially thanks to you because your blog will provide new steemit users. I 100% appreciate sir @kyusho
Have a nice weekend!!!

Little by little we help each other.

i agree with you, its a platform to learn and this learning peocess can make you earn, to be a part of the new cryptoworld.

Definitely a forerunner in Digital Assets and will be the beacon for others.


Nice.. :)


Such a awesome and most valuable post about steemit @kyusho.
Upvote/ Resteem

Yes I have found great value in Steemit and also it's future potential. I remember .06 & .07 for Steem, growth is inevitable.

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