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RE: The Death Of The Bots: Should Steemit Remove Bots?

in #steemit7 years ago

If this platform is going to be successful in any way shape or form bots are going to need to reign supreme. The attention economy will be underpinned with bots to ensure the best content thrives. Those bots will have to be optimized to align with the values of the network. Otherwise the bots will become worthless quickly.

Bots will be how users ensure their favorite creators continue making their content.


A rare perspective 😇 I'd love to hear about this idea in more detail.

Bots will be how users ensure their favorite creators continue making their content.

That's exactly why I run a bot! 🤖 ❤️

I am less certain in the specifics as to how this will truely end up. The 'bots' and automated value transfer systems will allow your 'worthless' random shares and the like to be hosted without you having to be a revenue source directly - adds. There is a lot of underlying work to be done to form what will mature into the attention economy.

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