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in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I heard a suggestion that individual bloggers should be able to wire-up their Google Adsense accounts, and be able to gain their 'fair' share of revenue from advertising which is displayed while their individual content is being viewed. This of course, is the rich-get-richer model which most of our community will reflexively deem meritorious.

A Different Perspective

STEEMIT is not a "blogging platform", it is a community which WE ALL have built .. which we build and maintain with our activity, each and every day. Our activity is what gives STEEMIT and STEEM its value .. it is what validates its very existence, all day, every day. What makes Google & Facebook the powerhouses that they are, is ad revenue, plain and simple .. and search engine manipulation in order to increase exposure of some over others, perhaps this is what "Promotion" will evolve into.

No matter what the case may be, how these things will be implemented to directly compete with the old guard, the primary beneficiaries should be we the users - there is no argument being made by anyone, in that regard. But we can not be too quick to use the old-world, centralized thinking in determining what is 'fair distribution'. Those who have more followers, who have more support for their posts are already being rewarded in a fairly-disproportionate way .. through post rewards. We love and admire those who achieve consistently great results from their posts, even @dollarvigilante! ;-) However, when it comes to allowing outside entities to have access to 'us' in search of greater profits, the benefit of this MUST flow to all STEEMIANS.

If you are an active member, then you should be rewarded for that .. not those who are abusively so, like messed up bots, and spammy fools who are actually detracting from the value and validation that we collectively provide. On the other hand, we have individuals with massive STEEM Power holdings, who are absent from "the community" for months on end, who have been happy to sit back and watch their STEEMPower inflate. Thankfully, @dan in his genius and wisdom will soon implement changes that will greatly disturb this group, so they can no longer just sit back and get phatter and phatter, doing little or nothing to deserve it.

Therefore, we must consider a metric based on a combination of REPUTATION + ACTIVITY, to determine the % of future ad revenues each STEEMIAN should receive - not current STEEMPower or the number of viewers those blessed with large audiences happen to capture with their individual posts. There must be a price paid to belong to the STEEM Universe .. there is so much to gain, this is a small price to pay to build a stronger community, FROM THE GROUND UP!

Being here and fueling the engine from within, in a positive manner, should bring reward!

Posts, comments, upvotes, successful referrals, and yes, the number of views our posts receive perhaps, should all factor in. But do not simply enable individual bloggers to profit via external systems, which would only facilitate a fracturing of our community. If we allow individuals to do their own thing, we will dis-empower the great many highly creative individuals who have great ideas, or wish to participate in those of others, but all they would need is a little STEEM-Scratch to do so, and this would provide!


I'll admit I've been more inactive lately than since I joined, but your arguments for rewards including "recent activity" makes great sense for the success of the platform.
Best, Guy

I like the community reward system idea where if you are actively posting, voting or commenting you share in the ad revenue, if it was linked to the voting power % and have daily payouts then this would help those that don't abuse the system

I couldn't agree more. If Steemit implemented some kind of site-wide affiliate program (like with Amazon or and the proceeds were split between and the author+curator reward pool, then everybody would win. If individual authors are in perpetual, atomized competition with each other for ad revenue, everyone does not win, and the overall benefits of advertising to the platform and the people that use it the most would be minimal.

Bravo 👏 , I couldn't agree more. Activity and interaction makes this ecosystem thrive. Not everyone has the skill confidence and time to create long well constructed posts with their own pics's but they do upvote and comment On the posts by those that can. This activity is also very important and with much lower rewards. My only concern is the bots would take advantage of any activity bonus since they never sleep or have jobs and families.

I can't wait to see what a SteemSense can do??

Will check out the plan - thanks.

But if it is designed to serve the same purpose as "Adsense" for individual bloggers, then it is contrary to what I suggest. :)

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