You Are Responsible for Your Irresponsible GovernmentsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

HELL NO you say!?

Most people would say they are not responsible for what their government does because no one that I know, or you know I suspect, feels adequately represented. No one we know is participating in the political process, at any level - neighborhood, municipal, state/provincial, and for sure not federally; I would guess that this is a world-wide phenomenon, most countries being "democracies" now, or the majority have some measure of psuedo-democratic means by which the people choose their representatives - hell, even Iran has elections for everyone below those who are in absolute control.
The thing is, people who lived in cold-war so-called "communist" countries, were off the hook when it came to their government's actions, because they had no say. Throughout history we see this as well, the less say The People had, the less they could be held accountable for the abuses of those in power.

I would argue however that the more obviously dis-empowered and abused the population, the MORE the people are responsible for changing things, and by any means necessary! When it becomes obvious to everyone what needs to happen, it should just happen, no!? Obviously more easily said than done.

Never Mistake "The People" for the Government ..

People like to say, "They (X Country) did this, or they (X Country) did that .." "They" being those few individuals in control of the levers of power, at that particular time, chose to do the following ______; "They" has very little to do with "The People" that live within the borders of said country. On the flip-side of this, there is nothing more disgusting than someone who claims "greatness" based on the economic or military might of the country in which they live, especially when they themselves, as an individual, are clearly a victim of those who truly benefit from such power - I refer to the top 1%, the investor-class, and beneficiaries of the military-industrial complex, the international banking system and how they manufacture money from debt. .. so on and so forth.

But That's Just a BS Excuse, Is It Not?

Whether we want everyone to be eventually free of this gang, or whether we simply want more responsible and representative government - one that works 'for the people', not for the people that helped them get elected with massive campaign contributions, or you are living in a place where you are at risk of being tortured and/or murdered by those who rule, it is up to "US" to do whatever we can, short of harming ourselves in some act of useless self-sacrifice, to make the change actually happen! It is not enough to say .. "I haven't voted or paid taxes for 10 years!" .. this is nothing! All it means is that the feds can come and seize your property, or put your ass in jail, whenever they wish.

A more systematic, concerted, goal-based approach to changing or ending it, must be undertaken - it is a struggle that will continue beyond your lifespan, but for there to be real change a map must be drawn and milestones marked upon it, and the journey must begin.

Awareness Raising!? So 2 Decades Ago ..

The fact is, everyone knows .. everyone is well aware that the rulers will not change, will not relinquish control. The thing is most have no idea how to 'change' things - they feel fundamentally hopeless, and that is why there is this disturbing trend of late, where normally coherent and capable individuals turn to conspiracy theories and 'end of the world' pronouncements.

Those in control are gaming the system, a system that they designed and constructed, and we are but pawns - the game must be changed, directly in-front of them at their feet as they sit uncomfortably in their seats of power - the change must accelerate beyond their understanding, beyond their ability to manipulate. "We" must decide where we want to go, where we want to be, and simply put ourselves 'there', beyond their propaganda, beyond their legislation, beyond their reach.

But make no mistake, it IS our responsibility to make change happen, because the proverbial "they" are using our resources to cause the harm that they do! But how much is enough? What you are doing here, right here and now, is having the greatest effect and will be more so with time, more than most people here realize.

THIS IS the Revolution!

Blockchain technology, crypto-currencies, decentralized organizations, open-source development, crowd-funding .. are all game-changers, and our beloved STEEM & STEEMIT embodies most of these. Participating here, FULLY, developing projects or simply supporting them, is us taking that required journey .. together.

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