Recruiting New Steemit Members - Outside of the Crypto-Community

in #steemit7 years ago

Was Steemit designed to thrive outside of the typical crypto informed user? If so, how will we achieve mainstream adoption on Steemit? Let's DiscussS TEEM.png

What percentage of active Steemians are invested in cryptocurrency, understand cryptocurrency, or are new to crypto?

Unless an honest study has been done that I am unaware of - the answer is likely - who knows??
Fair Statement? Id love for a study to be done. I think we all would be shocked at how high that percentage might actually be. 75%, 85%, 95%, 98%, higher? hmmmm

Another relevant question might be - How can we attract non-crypto users to join Steemit, and to have an understanding of how its able for content creating, commenting, and curating - to actually reward its users in money or a transferable form of money such as STEEM.

I am sure that a large portion of Steemit users have tried to recruit others to the community for many different reasons.

Recruiting bloggers they follow to help them add quality content to Steemit and earn an extra income in addition to their existing blogs.

Recruiting friends and family they think might find the platform fun, interesting, and also a way to earn some extra cash while doing so.

Recruiting developers, designers, tech savvy entrepreneurs to hep benefit our community by evolving the platform and opening up doors for them by networking with other like minded professionals - also while earning an extra cashflow

Recruiting for many other reasons to many different types of people as well

Let's be real though... How easy is it to explain why its more than likely very wise for anyone to invest in BTC, ETH, or any Cryptocurrency as a bonafide, results proven investment

I have had numerous discussions with different walks of life with people and the struggles of opening the minds of highly intelligent people to even consider or give crypto the time of day to research it as an investment. Like many others - I have never pushed it on anyone - and many times have heard the response "If if sounds to good to be true - it is" - unfortunately for them they are missing out on a 1000% ROI for Bitcoin alone in the past 12 months.. fortunately foplr those who shun crypto - more profits for those of us invested.

Back to the problem in the posts title - Recruiting New Steemit Members - Outside of the Crypto-Community -Is this even possible?

Having pondered over this question the past few days before deciding it was time to finally try and put my ideas into words that would generate a discussion and hopefully be provided with some insight from some Steemit users that have had success recruiting to the mainstream (people with no crypto knowledge or understanding)

I have literally shown family and friends my Steemit account and wallet (which is nothing to brag about) and showed them exactly how easy it was to turn SBD and STEEM into U.S. dollars that I could withdraw from an ATM down the street.. Even after physically withdrawing cash and having them see the entire process which took less than 5 minutes including driving to the ATM


Needless to say - I was slightly dumbfounded by their disbelief but respected their ignorance as well - That led me to an entirely new thought process which probably should have been a separate post, but it does tie into together as part of the discussion

Did the Steemit founders @ned & @scott really believe that the amazing platform they created would eventually extend beyond the crypto-community and be able to compete with some of the other major Social Media players??

There is no doubt in my mind that the founders are both geniuses in their own rights. However, if Steemit was intended to extend beyond the crypto communities and get the attention of everyday people not privy to crypto - why did they not include a way for users to be paid directly by the fiat currency of their choice?

I understand that the way the entire Steemit ecosystem was designed to allow rewards to be paid to its users had to involve incentivising its users to be long term members and investing in STEEM by holding SP. If Steemit did not incentivise its users to have a "Savings Account" - and allowed its users to cash out after every paid reward - the Steemit system would crumble and the price of STEEM would likely plummet.

Maybe the founders felt it was in the best interest of Steemit's community to grow at the same rate as the crypto community?

From reading the Steemit Whitepaper, Bluepaper, all of the info on the Steemit vision on the website and even interviews with Ned and Scott over a year ago - it seems blatant that they believed widespread adoption could occur with or without the new user having knowledge, interest or basic understanding of cryptocurrency...

The purpose of this post is to generate an open discussion on the topics presented, viewpoints, possible solutions, and personal opinions.

Please engage and interact intelligently so we as community members can ensure that Steemit can and will grow outside of the mostly crypto informed users

Please ReSteem this post if you feel it deserves the attention of your followers and Please Upvote this post if you believe this is a topic worthy of interest and discussion

Much Love to All who read it and I am excited to hear all of your thoughts, possible solutions, theories, and opinions on whether Steemit can achieve mainstream adoption or if it will be better preserved for longevity by mostly having users of crypto-communities.


This Post has Resteemd and upvoted by Steemit Viral Good Luck !

For this i am educating and providing info to others about steemit at different social platforms...

Thanks for your Steemit support of trying to help the platform/community grow further.. what techniques have you been using ? Any successful ones more than others?

@rajab234 - Thanks so much for sharing these links to the post - the post you commented on was actually an accidental duplicate post ofine from 3 days ago which had a ton of discussion - if you don't mind sharing the links to the post I think a lot of people could benefit for them

oh i see... @krytonika

Informative post. True that not easy to introduce crypto to those who never encountered it but possible. 😊

Thanks for commenting @zararina - definitely not easy and I think on STEEMIT it's particularly hard to explain where the rewards come from and how the Steemit system is able to allocate daily rewards.. It's hard enough for me to grasp it even though I understand how it works but explaining it is an entirely different ballgame

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