So I Broke My Brand New 3D Pen That I Had Bought With Steemit Earnings

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

As you may have seen of late I have been a little obsessed with my new toy, a truly wonderful gift from my partner @ausbitbank and the really beautiful part was that we used our steemit earnings to purchase it.

I have even done a series of posts about the pen firstly the unboxing, then one on purchasing more materials with steemit earnings and then finally the last one in which I show off my very first 3D pen creation.

Since getting given the pen I have spent an insane amount of time working with it, planning on things I want to make and I have even started three separate projects after using all to supplies in multiple colours - hence ordering more filament already.

Countless hours working with the pen appear to have come at a grave cost, in the very early hours of Friday night (1:30am) I was diligently working on completing my main project when the pen started to act up - it started to slow down and then dramatically ceased to function at all with the screen flashing error.

I was devastated but I still had hope, maybe it had just overheated - I had been working continuously for over five hours on this one project, maybe if I let it cool down it would be ok.

I waited for twenty minutes, tested the temperature at the extraction nozzle to check if it was cool when it was I attempted my first restart - to my delight it lit up and went into standby mode.

I anxiously waited as the device was in preheat mode, the red LED turned green all was good in the world and then I tried to use it - it abruptly flashed back to red and then flashed error and then nothing.

I tried to be an optimist maybe it was still overheated internally and I couldn't feel the temperature because of the shielding, I decided I'd wait longer and see if that would work - it's now two in the morning but I'm not giving up.

While I kept waiting I started to look online surely somewhere in Queensland would sell 3D pens right, well after an hour of searching I wasn't so sure - we had heaps of full sized 3d printers but printing pens we not so easy to find.

Feeling more disheartened than ever I returned for my final attempt at a pen reboot, but I was faced with the same error read as the previous attempts - it was now three in the morning, the night was vanishing fast and I knew my little monsters would soon be awake and ready to reap havik.

I now knew for sure the pen was dead and what's more, it looked as though it could take weeks to get a replacement from America.

I became a bit of an emotional mess, I'm still not used to having money for luxury items like these and now I was up for my second in just over a week of owning it.

But @ausbitbank reassured me the expense was worth it so I kept searching for anything suitable available in Australia, i found one pen but it only took cartridges and I had just spent $400 on multiple 1kg rolls of filament.

I started to think I had no options left, when finally at four in the morning I found it - Jaycar had a 3D pen in stock and it was only a twenty minute drive to go pick it up.


I frantically placed the order and arranged to pick it up the next day, I was stoked the pen was almost identical to the one I had just broken and this one came with an easy to collect 12 month warranty.


On top of this they also had a 3D printing tool kit and another roll of blue PLA filament (my roll was almost finished), I ordered the three items in time to head to bed at four thirty in the morning - unfortunately I was back up shortly after.


As the day went on I received an email saying my order was ready to collect and sure enough within an hour of that email, I had my brand new replacement 3D pen and I was ready to get back to work.

There is no way possible I would have been able to afford this two months ago, if it wasn't an essential item it wasn't bought - now and all thanks to steemit, I have an amazing tool with supplies that I can create content for steemit with.


My new pen is fantastic in many ways but it does have some major issues, the slider has more control than the last one but it is still only three speed settings and it is very sensitive - so if you're not careful you can suddenly have more than you bargained for.

The other and in my opinion biggest issue is that the temperature control is analog rather than digital, this means finding a tool (as one was not provided) that can fit into the small opening and then twist a dial - the markings are so small there is no way to know what they say to be sure your even having an effect.

What I do know is that I require more heat and nothing so far has helped achieve that, even spinning the little dial ( I will try again though) - the problem with too little heat is that the filament doesn't adhere well to the previous layer, this makes a mess and is very hard to work with.

But besides that I am stoked, I am back on track with my new 3D pen and again it's all thanks to steemit!

Now my only issue is to wait for the supplies I ordered last week to arrive, as I am still going through filament like there's no tomorrow.

It's time to post this because I really can't wait to get back to it!

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@krystle you never disappoint with your writing, I was glued to the story as I read, you have a real gift, I think I have mentioned that before. Anyways, this is so freaking cool and the tree looks amazing, I cant wait to see all you make with it, wonderful work and keep sharing and posting.

Thank you so much lovely I really appreciate it :D

I am just so happy to have it back again, so I can keep things moving - I have so much I want to do like put out another open mic entry, but things are hectic here and just posting and replying is taking so much time I feel like I'll never get to it again.

I can't stop now I'm way to addicted to the platform and the people, steemit is the future I just there were more hours in the day so I could do everything I have planned already.

Thanks so much for the lovely comment :)

Dang, those pens look pretty sweet. I hope the new one is more reliable than the first one.

Don't you just hate when things break, especially new once :[
So are you getting the old one fixed or just binning it?

I think we will try to get it fixed, just not sure where to get parts is all - this is the story of my life if it comes near me it will have a short life expectancy, I'm just not used to be able to replace it.

If I do manage to get it working again, I think I have a little niece who has already been eyeing it from a distance.

"if it comes near me it will have a short life expectancy" poor Adam :P
Just crack it open and see what's going on, maybe the nozzle is jammed.

Yeap should have prefaced that with electrical/technological things lol, not so much people at least not that I'm aware of...

very fun. Sorry you burnt out your pen but glad to hear your early morning adventure finding the replacement.

Thanks I'm still sleep deprived, but very happy at the turn around in events.

Nice to hear you found a replacement krystle. It is strange how we can become attached to a hobby especially when it is one we are really passionate about. Hope all woks out ok.

Thanks so much, I couldn't be happier - It's just awesome to be able to put something out into the world that didn't exist before :)

You know! I have really never looked at it that way before krystle. Very nice.

I had watched about the 3D pen and the wonders it could do in a video on facebook sometime back.
I am glad to know steemit helped u @krystle to buy one and have a great time for your creativity.
Now it's very true when it comes to shopping even I stick to only the essential stuff (unless its your birthday month, ;-) when i shop my heart out).
Your post has inspired me to write more on steemit. Hope your new 3D pen works lot better than the previous. Do post the pics of your new projects with it!

That broken pen should motivate you to work even harder for another one (:

Nice narrative @krystle
Love ur style. One door closes...another opens...upvoted & following...follow me too as am gonna publish my first content soon...

I have been really curious about the 3D pens, they look like so much fun. Do you find it tricky to work with? I will have to go back and read your previous posts on it now. Cheers!

Glad you're up and running again. Love that tree, could you do me a couple for the yard lol

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