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RE: Why Every Writer and Blogger Should be Using Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Thanks yeah I don't want to leave my writing carer up to a random stranger deciding they think it's marketable, this way I am able to show proof of a following when I eventually get things fully underway.

I also love the idea of having that instant feedback, with editors and publishers they tend to see the whole manuscript this way I can show smaller pieces and change my mind later when I do a second draft etc.

These days there are so many authors trying to get a foot hold in the market but all they are willing to share to acheive this is snippets of the story or a very brief over view - honestly I don't know how I would do that for my story, it is just too big and complex.

If I acheive some modicum of sucess I assume loyal readers would want a hard copy not just digital, and custom art - I think this is where long term monetary gain would occur, but this way I can start gathering readers now who will really be interested in the progress of the characters and the world.

Steemit has an amazing potential specifically for writers, artists and musicians, I believe that all of these industries are insanely hard to "break" into and I think that this is like the youtube for that - youtube is too big now and takes too long to become a big fish, steemit is the place to be now if you want to be a big player later when it really takes off!

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