
Russia is like a less extreme China but often more absurd, especially when it comes to homosexuality... eesh. Incidentally China also has a steemit site, get on that too

I did not know that! What's the name?

lol you know Putin is going to show up at your house one day dressed up as a clown just to mess with you

Or just randomly die from radiation poisoning.

Ha! Yes.

Not to sound assuming but do you speak Russian my friend?

How much would you want to translate some posts for me?

depends on size of the text :D

Nothing over 1000 words. Most likely shorter.

In all honesty golos is a very exciting platform if they do what they say they are going to.

Scary stuff man, drinking chernobyl juice

ooooh, мой друг(my friend:), russia is a fucked up totalitarian state, dont listen to what say propagandist channels, that russkis are on their way to democracy. A simple, narrow minded police state, lawless, very religios- both towards church and putin( vladimir is deity, dare to disagree).. a lot of things, that are notmal and desirable in the west- in russia is illegal, like, reading a state constitution aloud iutdoors, or sharing in social network an oppostion material.

I had no idea to be honest.

I only just have learned. The counter propaganda is very impressive.

Putin is considered a deity?

yeeeeah boy. you will be punished for critisizing either church or putin. i'ma to write a topic about this situation on an example of one incident- dude was catching pokemons in church...and was convicted :D

Holy crap. I find the idea of compulsory psychiatric care quite terrifying.

If you do get on golos tap me up. I am on but not very active! I made some fish at the start right enough lol

Ha sure will! You'll be the only person to understand me.

Figuratively and literally.

That's true!

I am glad you will be getting a translator. I used yandex translate which apparently for Russian is better than Google. My stuff was still appalling though :0)

My translator's name may rhyme with frugal.

You don't mess with the Putin!

If you mess with Putin, when you bend over, he won't put in.

are punishable by law

So since you posted this are you a wanted criminal?! Your plan won't work if his already on to you. must create another secret identity

This one isn't secret.

I can be doxed with ease.

The plan continues then!

nice op piece!

Very interesting stuff. Who would have thought "hate speech" can get you a 5 yr sentence. Perhaps the US should adopt this stance lol.

Seems like the entire population of the us would be in jail.

Wooww. Amazing

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