[SteemIt Poll] Does Anybody Browse The Promoted Tab? Would It Hurt To Have Advertising On The Front Page?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Would you consider having a few ads on the front page if it helped the price of Steem?

Part of the crypto world idea is that ads aren't needed. Time to find a new way. Whatever that way may be.
a resposne message reply from your non-follower

We should allow older posts to receive upvotes before we bring advertisements into Steemit, if we allow adds in without some sort of continued payments for older posts, then we will be in a situation where everyone receives the benefits of the revenue generated by an older article except for the original author or who controls their estate.

@gonzo I agree totally I find it strange the one month period for upvotes is a big detractor for Steem but luckily it doesn't seem to be common knowledge yet

We should allow older posts to receive upvotes

this is not going to happen, at least not in the near future. To support 3rd voting period, memory usage of node would have to increase even more (and even right now it is huge). Moreover, it is better for platform to support authors which writes regularly. If you find good post of some author, but you cannot vote for him, you can always follow him and upvote him as soon as he will write another good article.


about this one.


You have an ad on this post.

It's a cool ad though lol.

I did think so but I don't have few thousand bucks to spare. :-)

Yes, I do not like ads, but if it can help steem price, i don' t mind it.

Do you ever look at the promoted tab?

I never look at the promo tab.

Me either.

I used to take a daily look when it first came.
Did a few promotion of my own and others content, mostly less than $2... until I read some post saying any promote less than $6 is usefully. Now, I look the Promote tab once a while but may not be as frequent as daily.

No. forgot bout it and i prefer the trending page.

no, i never look at promoted page as it was very bad idea to do such separate page. promoted posts should have some different view than ordinary posts


We all use products and services., and usually find them online anyway. There are a lot of indie companies that could find Steemit has their target audience. There could be a lot of technology-based ads. I don't see it as the 'Scary Spaghetti Ad-Monster' landing here and ruining the platform. I think that it would make it better. Because Ads don't have to equal mainstream, ads dont have to be from multi-national conglomerate corporations. In fact, those are the ones that would not be so much interested in Steemit. the maintstream seeks mainstream.

this would be a good place to advertise things like Scrivener, ebook editors, graphic design software, niche tech gadgets, non-profits, etc. We might like many of the ads. Sometimes they are good for making us aware of products we wouldn't know about, and competitive pricing. Maybe even from companies we'd like to see successful.

Ads go against the whole point of deleting the middle man....you can have your own ads on your own blockchain, go, be free, and post them there, without censorship, muahahahahahaha!!!!!

The only problem I see with that is that people will keep selling. I'm just trying to figure out a way that slows down the flood on the exchanges. If the ads benefited everyone would it really be a middle-man?

Edit: I said this wrong. People have the right to sell. I just think it'll slow the rate that exchanges get slammed with steem if they can spend it on advertising.

  1. I do from time to time, but nearly as often as when it first came out. Perhaps it was because I had an experience with promotion that resulted in practically negligible returns, but my attention to the Promoted tab waned considerably from the time it was released.
  2. Small, unobtrusive banner ads, similar to the ones that come up when you search, would be reasonable in my opinion. So long as they aren't, in fact, posts that can earn money and/or can be flagged.

I think who and what is advertised is the most important thing.

Advertising always controls the media Not even Vice magazine is free.
Not having ads is a big reason people TRUST and use steemit.

So yea adds are ok if we all get a slice of the advertising pie just be prepared to lose some freedom depending who advertises on it.

And i totally forgot about the promote page. I think i looked at it once or twice ever.

Occasionally I check the promoted tab. I agree with you here. ads arent that bad. If they help us get paid to make content that isnt churnalism and pootube rehashes, I will continue to read and post on an ad-addled Steemit

It's not effective/attractive for advertisers if people can just easily avoid anything in a 'promoted' category. So long as 'trending' doesnt become a sneaky way of saying 'promoted' Users would find that deceptive.

I think the plan to incorporate ads as banners on bottom of posts or something similar is alright. It might not end up a permanent thing. I'd rather there are realistic solutions to remonitizing the platform rather than our hopes n' dreams.

I wouldn't mind a google style shoving of ads here and there. I'm basically blind to them as of now anyway.

google would direct adds based on users posts. We would see more political adds, and health food adds. lol

I meant more along the lines of in the style of google. Everything can still be in house.

One of the better ideas that has been circulating regarding the issue of Steem advertising is the positioning of a random post from the promoted tab as the top post in the other tabs. This chance would be based on the ratio of SBD that has been used to promote it, divided by the total amount used by all promoted posts. This would be relatively simple to implement as a User Interface change, all of the backend promotion code already exists on the blockchain. This SBD is burned to Null, reducing the Supply of SBD, and raising its price. The promotion payment option should be expanded to include the ability to burn Steem to Null as well as SBD, and count for 1.1x the witness feed market price of SBD.

  1. No, I never do.

  2. NO.

If I want a product, I'll look for it, or reviews about it; if I want content I do not want ads about other things, I just want whatever it is I was looking for.

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