
Much like the Internet itself in '94 and '95. The first paying proposition on the Internet was porn. Just like the first use of Bitcoin as a real currency was in the dark markets.

It's really the "Innovator's Dilemma" - or the "Pioneer's Dilemma." Why would an established, solid burgher pick up sticks and move to the hardscrabble frontier? Other than for essentially lifestyle reasons?

There's a good reason why pioneer America welcomed:

your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Frontiers are built up by folks with little to lose, which necessarily include some riff-raff.

Well we're not in the 90's. Other platforms gained popularity without porn. We need to let go of the fixation on ourselves and getting jerked off and instead focus on making steemit a quality platform that will actually attract people to it, like facebook. If facebook was a porn hub like people are trying to do to steemit, facebook wouldn't be facebook, it would be trashbook.

Perhaps @nxtblg is right, sport and porn came first but when cats arrive will be the time of world domination =・ω・=

"...turning into porn and sports betting platform". I know what you mean. I must admit in the little over 3 months I have been blogging on Steemit the content has become more colourful..!! This was always going to be a problem. We are fast approaching 120k users. Imagine what the content will be like when it is a 1.2m..!! Thanks for the reply and support I appreciate it. I have just posted the final version of the Steem Plant Room..!! Stephen

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