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RE: Yet Another Post Regarding Unfair Payouts, But This Is A Proposal, Not A Rant

in #steemit8 years ago

It has been proposed before, I myself have suggested it. Either this pseudo-"reputation" to weigh the SP power, or another real reputation system. Dan has written about the possibility of another reputation rank, but people got angry and dumped on the idea. I liked it, way better than SP metric.

Users who are trusted should have more weight than money-focused miners or early adopters that don't create content at all. Hence a real rep score, not this one that is created by SP based on the success of posts, which is a useful metric in itself, but not real reputation like society.


I regret not having read about this earlier, but I sure do agree with anyone who thinks the reputaion scores we have as of now, is basically useless. And by useless I mean that I see no discernible value to having it, other than ego boosting brownie points!

I also agree with you in having the focus shifted from the crass money/profit focused approach we seem to have at present. I truly believe it is the limiting factor against mass adoption as the average user comes from a world which is a "everything for free" culture and have minimal exposure to crypto. On joining, they are confronted with a seemingly daunting obstacle of wealth as in SP holding and get discouraged quickly when they see the wealth some have.

Thank you for your comment.

It's a barrier to a certain type of mass adoption based on current existing models, which is why it's not accepted by many, due to it being different, and they don't understand how it works. The problem is not the platform per se, but the mindset of people who don't understand. I joined when there were more active users, and I didn't leave. I learned how Steemit functioned. People don't want to take the time to learn about a new platform model. Perceived unfairness, due to not understanding how things operate, and unrealistic expectations to just "make money" easily, lead to people trying to operate in a reality while having an unreal perception of what they are even doing.

People need to learn. Otherwise, let's just get rid of everything that's different and make it nonmonetary like other social media. Then people will be used to it, it will work the same way with the same motivations. And we can all be happy that people are using the same types of platforms that don't change things up too much hehehe.

With that said, yes the SP mechanism isn't the best, most optimal. But what do people get on Facebook? $1.00? $0.10? $0.01? Nope, $0.00. So people who join aren;t comapring things well, with the opportunity to make money if you can actually post decent content and get recognized... whereas Facebook... you won't get making money anyways. But hey, I joined, and I'm not making big bucks right away, or my content is better than someone else who made more, etc. so I'll just get mad at how "unfair" life is, and cry myself away from Steemit back to Facebook... LMAO.

It's not even so much the SP, but this, that drives people away early. Unrealistic imaginary fantasy expectations lol. Even with a reputation weight, people would still have this issue when they join because they are ignorant and don't even care to learn to understand how things function. How about we put some onus of responsibility on the user to educate themselves about what they are getting into?

Hmm, must admit you have a point when you say

Perceived unfairness, due to not understanding how things operate, and unrealistic expectations to just "make money" easily, lead to people trying to operate in a reality while having an unreal perception of what they are even doing.

But the fact remains that most were enticed with rewards, so the reality was suggested which made them get these "unreal perceptions" in the first place! And yet the rewards are there, and very welcome at that, but the real "reality" smacks a new-comer hard in the face and makes him leave.

It is a shame IMO that we have around 120 K + accounts but only 4k are active on any given day! Either the platform is not attractive enough or their expectations hit the wall of reality, but the low level of user retention is a concern for me, and should be for everyone.

And thank you for your elaborate comment which brought up questions which I had not considered earlier.

Haha, yeah. BUt that's my point. Looking at the rewards as a problem isn't the real problem, its people who don't understand how this works. People wouldn't come if there were no rewards. They think one thing, but then its another. When expectations don't match reality, conflict ensues. If you can't do anything, like learn, or change the system, then you tend to give up in hopelessness. Knowledge is the key to empowerment. Then we can change the system, like Steemit, and make things better. "Fairness" can only go so far. There is always inequality in what people work for to produce and get. Some people work less, yet expect to have more than they have, to have what others have, simply because other shave it. It's a bit of a deluded mindset.

Yup, it's bad. 4k... it's more like 1-2k MAX of real activity. I would say its less than 1k of constant users each day.

Image matters, and right now the image isn't good for Steemit. Busy will be able to help change that.

Let's get rid of the rewards, and let's see how attractive Steemt is then? LMAO.

Lol, we wouldn't be having this conversation then :)

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