in #steemit7 years ago

Another voice from the community that people need to hear. I want to promote this message and get it rewarded. 100% of the total STEEM, SP and SBD will be transferred to @williambanks after payout.

Upvoting, resteeming and if I had the funds to promote this I would.

Guys here's the truth.
If you have enough power that your flag or vote matters it means you have invested money in steem.
Each time you flag over rewards you are devalueing not only that post but your own investment as well.

Why? Because it's demoralizing to the people who are on the receiving end of that. They give up, they leave if they have any steem they are going to dump it and they are going to let their friends know. "Hey guys be careful over at steemit, there are individuals who like to power trip and it's worse than a power hungry redditor because it costs real money".

This keeps people away. It makes the entire platform unattractive and unpalatable. With no one coming to steemit no one is going to buy steem. The bottom will drop out and your currency will be worthless.

Don't be a petty douchebag just because it's easier. Seek out content you like and upvote it. Quit worrying about what the other guy is earning, frankly it's none of your business.


I can only agree with that!

After a few more tests on the community, I came to realize that quality content on this platform, needs to be of fairly short length, otherwise your post, though of top quality, will simply not get upvoted to the levels it deserves. It has been consistently the case with all the longer article I posted which took days to produce and ended up with the same if not less the amount I made with multiple posts I made in about 5 minutes... This platform seems to be appropriate for short & sweet posts, so far.

Words of wisdom from @williambanks are definitely ringing true with me. Jealousy is simply counteractive and detrimental to all. Namaste :)

Yeah, I have recognized that as well. Thank you for confirming the data.

Yes, many longer posts do not do nearly as well. However, that opens up many paths you can take. When you come up with that great idea to write about you can split it into many separate posts in order to cover the whole topic.

I think often the longer post rarely get read through in its entirety. A topic that might take 3K to 5K post can be split into many 3 to 5 post each containing 1000 words. I think it will get more attention but it also will allow readers to cover the information much more quickly.

This method is also a tremendous help if you are attempting to put content out each day but do not have an abundance of time to write due to other life occurrences.

Yep, I fully agree!!!
By far the best approach is to stay positive, to the community and to oneself!

Yeah I said this months ago. Yet I do think many people are starting to agree on this. A lot of people have changed their mind. Some of them haven't.

Yep, i've changed my mind also

I change my mind on this all the time. I do see the reasoning behind downvotes too.

There are purposes where we cannot avoid down votes at the moment. Without them it'd be possible to game the system, plagiarism, spam, and abuse would also be a problem.

Those would be flagging issues. I mean downvotes as in "this post is clearly overvalued".

I disagree. Who decides what is overvalued? Is there consistency? etc.

Value as in the short term goal of the reward pool.

Or value as in long term goal the negative impacts of a down vote for such a reason might have on the platform and potentially significantly more than the meager amount that a person thought they were saving.

Also it is incredibly subjective...

If I like talking about crochet patterns, and so do 5 other people and we work to build up our steem power so we can encourage people to post more and better crochet pattern posts and we somehow manage to get it to $10, but you come along and say "Crochet patterns, who gives a shit about that, it's not worth $10" and you down vote it. If your power is significant enough you might completely take it to $0. Even if you don't you have just reduced all the efforts of those people.

Why not instead go find something that you DO like and up vote it instead. Let the reward pool itself adjust based upon actual interest, rather than letting people effectively decide the interest of other people does not matter.


Ironically, it's an age-old human dilemma: Do you put your energy into highlighting, promoting and building UP who you ARE, what you LIKE, what you consider WORTHY... or do you put your energy into slandering and tearing DOWN what others are, what you DISlike, what you feel (justly or unjustly) threatens you?

Agree entirely with @williambanks.

Ironic how we are here touting "decentralization" and community cooperation, yet we're mired down in conventional corporate BS... the fat cats of upper management fearful that raising worker wages will mean they have to give up their Lear Jets.

Newsflash: When all the workers QUIT because they feel demoralized and unappreaciated, and there no longer is a company, you really WILL have to give up your Lear Jets!

Hard for the power players to get it. Meanwhile they keep flagging exposure of this issue that threatens their domination of the platform just because they have "wealth".

Why does the flagging system even exist in the first place. Being able to hit someones bottom line for espousing political beliefs you disagree with means Steemit will NEVER be a platform for people to post opinions. Its going to end up being limited to extremely sterilized content.

That could indeed be the end result. The flag was originally for plagiarism, spam, other issues. Then it was adopted to rewards... and anyone using it for whatever reason. There are no rules on Steemit, which is why there are many problems because everyone just does whatever they want with the features like the flag... especially if they have the power to do it because thats the way the system was originally designed. I'm trying to work towards changing that by addressing this centralization of power.

It would be better to apply a tag to posts and show a number of votes by others who agree.
Then provide options for all users to hide show and find these types of posts as they wish.

Good guy, I've been following him for a while now!


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