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RE: One Year On Steemit...and I've Finally Broken...

in #steemit6 years ago

Happy anniversary? :)
I came across this post while purging who I follow :P I haven't seen a milestone post in a loong time, it's kinda sad.
I'm still not using big bots, but I understand why someone would start. Personally I probably didn't quit Steemit because I started blogging elsewhere... and I just post whatever now when I'm in the mood. Hopefully thing get better!


The payouts aren't bad...except when you consider that they're limited to 7 days...and at the same time so many people are abusing the system.

Though, if you take a look at the return for most bidbots, it's rather pathetic. They should just learn to trade. 10-15% isn't that difficult to get trading. And you don't risk flags.

The one's making the most are the bid bot owners and the ones delegating to them.

Payouts are pretty bad, lately my average is maybe 1.3 USD (remove curation cut) so I try not to waste more than 30 min (which is kind of impossible and that's still a less than minimum wage returns). I tried good vs bad quality posts, same payouts... I really don't believe SBD will ever reach 5usd much less 10. I'd dump at 3 maybe and I'm sure many others would too, hence I don't think it will grow. Also many Steemians were happy to bring SBD back down to 1$...

Also yeah I said before, if people just want profits, why not learn to trade better, they could earn much more... This way they're clogging the system and probably devaluing everything. I haven't recommended Steemit to anyone in ages, have you? And why if yes?
Well hearing myself talk I wonder, why I still try here haha :P (just complaining more and more) I've taken breaks from Steemit before, maybe it's time for another one.

I find that just "freewriting" about some topic works well. Maybe it's not really worth it to waste a bunch of time here, considering how much you earn...but it's not like a job.

I take my earnings and convert them to Steem, then trade it back and forth with BTC to make more profit. I have no faith in SBD. Technically it might pump, but I think Steem is a better investment. Maybe Steem isn't a great investment. Maybe another social network will replace it before it pumps up...but for the time being, I'm making a healthy stake to possibly eventually sell, at least part of.

And no, I haven't recommended Steem to anyone in a long time. The main interface, Steemit, has huge holes. Well...I don't think they couldn't be filled too difficultly...but they've entered maintenance mode according to Ned.

We need more developers working on projects to help fix curation and trending. Then I can recommend it again, when it seems more worth it to write really good posts here, because they have a chance of going to trending, or at least trending for the topics they're on. Though I suppose that's possible for topics that trending means $20.

Maybe it's not really worth it, but over time I can build up quite a bit, with random extra time here and there. Right now I'm building up an account for the day when they finally fucking fix this place.

Hehe yeah I hope they fix it, but what if they never do? Maybe they like how it is... Longer payouts would be a nice start :)
Yeah it's not a job, but it can take as much effort and time as one, but without a check. Spending just a couple of hours per week like a regular hobby won'tachieve anything here.

I've never been a "loyal" customer type unless that loyalty was earned. If I feel I can't progress or am too burnt out, I move on. Also I've noticed a lot of artists with fulltime art jobs didn't stick around. I suppose I've stuck around because I lack real life socialising and I'm still learning art. My work is art related, but completely different from what I share :)

Yeah...a lot of people left...for varying reasons...but many still spend hours every day on Facebook and stupid apps. I never use Facebook anymore. Haven't for years. But this place does take a lot of time. You pretty much have to spend about an hour at least posting every day, plus time curating. It's probably a bit much to ask people to abandon multiple other time-sucks for this one, when you're lucky if an article you spent over an hour on, sometimes even multiple days, will make more than a dollar or two.

However this is a false equipment. If you don't use Steemit doesn't mean you use other social sites, on the othee hand some use everything (steemit and fb). Facebook is faster and smoother at least. I scroll and see all the art in couple of minutes, save what I like and done (I never comment, and never did anywhere before steemit). Steemit has a messy interface, also you have to open posts, if you comment you have to avoid generic to not get flagged etc. It's a time sucker in many ways. Also you cant just post art, but are usually expected to blog. You can ofc, but unlikely to succeed unless the art is exceptional. I love Youtubes recommendations, I constantly find amazing art and music to my taste without having to waste time searching.

If Steemit had better returns for the time invested I could overlook all the issues and there are more.. :) I guess it's unfair to compare a young platform to those with over a decade of experience, but they could adopt some of the good stuff and update more often.

Yes...they could...but as Ned just said in his interview for Steem Fest, they've entered "maintenance mode" for Steemit. So if we want advances, we're going to have to implement them ourselves, or hope third parties do, and switch to those interfaces.

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