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RE: Consensus exists only in equalitarian groups, where everybody has the same rights to express their will by influence and be influenced by all the others

in #steemit7 years ago

True,but this does not change my argument.Remember that people who are finacially secure also has more time to write articles,and also in general have a higher education,class definitely plays a role here.Having some whale friends and connections works wonders as well.


Well, if one doesn't have either money or time to engage in the platform, then perhaps they don't "deserve" a bigger say in how content is being rewarded.

The financial inequality argument is always problematic because it ends up with people wanting free money to compensate.

But even if free money was given out, and say, everyone had equal shares of steem handed out, what would the poor people do? They'd have to trade their steem power for $$$ because real life necessities are more important for their life than steem power that can affect the reward pool in the steem platform. So people with lack of money would sell their vests while people with excess money would buy them. And then the poor people would still say that the power distribution is unfair (even if they got the exact same slice as everyone else) because the others had more money and were able to not only keep their vests but also buy the vests of others, while they "lost" theirs for cheap.

So? They'd say they need more vests to get voting power and then, even if it was gifted to them, they'd sell it due to RL needs being more important. Again. And then complain. Again.

Steem can't hope to fix the global inequalities in wealth or education, but it can provide opportunities for people to make money by participating in the platform.

Thanks for taking the time to comment,but I did not mean that we should hand out free money.And your imagination about the poor people seem to betray a certain disdain.Research on basic income has shown that poor people are quite capable of handling money.I'm a poor person myself,and I would never dream of powering down,I'm not stupid.The risk/rewards asessment clearly speaks against that.You seem to think that poor people just lack competence or intelligence,or they would have succeeded.This is a very popular view in certain political circles,but it does not hold up to scrutiny.In order to succed in this system,start-up capital is essential.Right now I'm trying to crawl my way up from the bottom,and I can promise you it's very slow.And posting on steemit is not a good deal for me at the moment,as I'm suffering from a burnout.Which was caused by unfortunate circumstances which I will not go into,but suffice it to say that these circumstances are most definitely class related,and if I had more money,it would not have occured.

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