1,000,000 Million Lambs die every year at my work

in #steemit8 years ago

So i do Health & Safety for a Lamb Slaughter plant in Marton New Zealand, We kill 1 million white fluffy sheep every year, 95% is exported overseas to various markets. Our Lamb has a fresh shelf life of 90 days, the same animal killed in the UK has a shelf life of 20 days, this is down to the hygiene requirements we do and we have one of the most technological lamb slaughter plants in the world. My job is awesome and as much as i would like to save the Lambs because i do like animals - they taste so good!

I also look after Health & Safety for a Beef Slaughter plant 10 mins down the road from the Lamb one - its amazing seeing a 800kg bull hanging by its hind leg - when i walk around the Beef Slaughter floor all i can think of is steak being cooked on a BBQ!

So Beef is Bovine..so what is lamb????


Ovine is the word you're looking for. The category that mutton and lamb fall into. From the Latin, "Ovinus" or "Ovis", for sheep.

yep you got it - i did not know about the Latin explanation though thanks

Do goats fall into the same?

goats are a member of the family Bovidae and is closely related to the sheep as both are in the goat-antelope subfamily Caprinae.

Gross. Lamb is actually baby sheep right? or teenager sheep? that's so wrong.

usually 1 year old..if you think thats gross how about poor chickens, a size 7 chicken is 28 days old when it dies

See the thing with all of this is, these kind of animals are bred for food and would not exist if there was no need for them. In other words they were born to die.

It's important to remember what we must sacrifice for our diets.

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