30 Days Writing Challenge - Hoping to Complete it Despite My Work Schedule.

in #steemit6 years ago

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I want to start my very first 30 day challenge writing here on steemit. But due to my upcoming 24 hours of duty after a 3 days if rest I think I can't complete the challenge. But I am still hoping that I can write something even when I am working in the hospital.

Yes I am working 24hours once a week in the hospital as a staff nurse for almost 5 months now and it was really exhausting and my number one enemy is the sleepiness at 12 o'clock in the morning. My second problem is the number of patient coming in the hospital late at night when I am almost exhausted working the whole day. That's is the reason why I am always praying that there will be no new patients at night. Sadly some of the patient come to the hospital around 12am to 4am which is the time where my eyes wanted to close and my body wants to lay down on a bed and relax.

There is no other available job right now in our place so I am enduring this kind of schedule 16 hours from Sunday night to Monday morning, 16 hours of duty Tuesday night to Wednesday morning and 24hours of duty every Friday which means if you count the number of hours I and divide it by 8 every day I am working 7 days a week.

I wish someday the price of steem sky rocketed to the moon so that I can just stay at home doing steemit or to any place which I can connect to the internet. A simple man like me could have a financial freedom if that happen hoping that it happens to all steemians too.

Thanks to @dragosroua for this and @surpassinggoogle for ulogs.




I can't do it but I am trying.

I failed my challenge lol..

I failed my challenge lol..

I failed my challenge lol..did even made it on the second day

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