in #steemit7 years ago

When you follow or trail goals in life, certain things may exist preventing a person from achieving their dreams. These factors include not having sufficient resources, dealing with a family crisis or struggling with an illness. However, there are times when it is people, themselves, who are limitations to their own success. Sometimes pursuing a dream requires a person to move out of their own way.

You may be that person who has dreams but have become your own hindrance. While you may have dibbled and dabbled in your pursuits, you have never really “gone all out.” You have thought of great ideas only to later push them under the rug. You may need to ask yourself: What’s really hold holding me back?

The following are four major factors, or, self-imposed obstacles, that discourages a person’s pursuit of their dreams or goals pointing out these obstacles will help you to take the necessary steps to overcome them.

  1. Unbelief or incredulity.

I kmow that the strongest obstacle to a person pursuing their dreams is their lack of belief that their dreams are possible. And this thought has destroyed many lifes There are people who never pursued anything big, simply because they didn’t believe.

“The first and most important step towards success is the feeling that we can succeed.“

You backround can hinder you from believing that you can accomplish great things or make great things happen. You may have come from a place where you’ve never seen anyone in your circle do anything spectacular.or from a place where you've never seen something extra ordinary You’ve told yourself that because of mistakes in your past, or because of your circumstances, your dreams are unattainable or too “unrealistic” to ever come true.i want to beg you today my fellow steemians that we shouldnt be a victim of our own circumstance.

One of my favorite quotes is by Confucius who said, “The man who says he can, and the man who says he can’t, are both correct.” Over and over, we have seen and heard success stories of people who accomplished their dreams, in spite of their rough backgrounds. They simply had the courage to believe.

  1. Fear

A second factor that people face when pursuing their dreams is fear. Fear will literally make you static or stagnate you and cause you to give up completely. The following are types of fear that people face when pursueing their dreams...
*Fear of failure
“What if I fail?” is a valid question for you to ask yourself when it comes to pursuing your dreams. Unfortunately, failure is a possibility when you step out to pursue your dreams. Take that bold step no matter how harf it takes....successful projects today failed many time you keep doing it keep trying untill it become perfect i urge all steemians also keep posting,keep upvoting,keep commenting,get involved in contest it would sure pay off one day..this isnt a place you make money overnight dont be lazy dont give up
However, it should never stop you from trying. In any great achieved, there is always some level of risk-taking involved. Peter F. Drucker said, “In every success story, you find someone who has made a courageous decision.” the risk involved in steem is your time,your data,your battery and still earning cents dont worry.just like a wwe superstat JOHN CENA "never give up"
There are many people who have never pursued their dreams because they feared they would fail. Some people have taken risks and went after their dreams, only to be left with disappointment and heartache.
It is important to let your past failures teach you, rather than prevent you from ever trying again.if you post an article today and it make $0.01 it doesnt mean tomorrow you cant make 4 $100 a word from a scholar says “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Fear of success

You may be thinking, “Is there really such a thing as a fear of success?” The answer is yes, and many people don’t realize they have a fear of success. I believe the underlying issue of having a fear of success is that you actually have a fear of change and being moved out of your comfort zone. The fear of the unknown the fear of what is out there if you want to be great you must leave your comfort zone and go extra mile to to get extra ordinary result..post quality stuffs make research,be creative.

For example, there are many people who believe that they could succeed, however, they also know that with success comes change, which they may not be ready for. Someone who has dreams of starting their own business may become hesitant when thinking of the amount of time and work needed to run a business. They may continue to settle for being an employee because of the level of comfort and familiarity.dont be lazy..

Fear of people
Dont think of what people would say about your post they dont define you...dont think about how many upvote that post would get you..be yourself its your blog you are in control..dont be afraid.
I hope this factors will be okay for steemian to realise there worth and step up of the box...newbies unleash your awesomeness and i promise at the end you wont regret it......

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