My permanent personal plan for this Year starting this month

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I have decided to do the following pattern to make sure to have a permanent post with great Good Vibes and lessons learned that are available in everyday life. But sometimes I have no post due to circumstances in my life but I will do everything I can to do all this and I hope you all support this graph.


Saturday- Bible Verse and Personal Article
Sunday- Charity Work and Photography
Monday- All about Steemit, Steem Power (SP), and Steem Backed Dollar (SBD)
Tuesday- Bible Verse and Personal Article
Wednesday- Nature Article including Image
Thursday- News about Bitcoin and Cryptos
Friday- My free day... (^_^)

Anyone can try this pattern but do not forget about family responsibilities and other people. Have fun while doing the things you want to do. And about all cryptos, relax and be patient. The time will come all of what we are waiting will change.

And if you notice, all the SBD at the Steem Bot Tracker if you are using this, is down. Let say, from $1,000 it become $400 maximum bid. But it's okay, remember that we get free from Steemit and not just income, but we all learn something different from different people. But of course, I'm also worried about it? Because I'm doing charity work and it might affect what we earn. Our target is to get the lowest USD-100 to help those in need.

I would like to say thank you to @canadian-coconut, @ausbitbank, @papa-pepper, and @surpassinggoogle who is always behind the charity work. So, bear with me people here in Steemit, spread the news to help other people around the world. I am not the only person doing this with concern to other people. But I can say that I am the only person who is willing to call the patient or the family of the patient to know his/her exact condition and needs even this is a long distance call.

And thank you to all minnows like me. You are a whale if we combine our strength to contribute. May God bless us...

2 Corinthians 9:7
King James Version (KJV)

7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Have you voted your witness?

Consider casting your witness votes for @steemgigs (@surpassinggoogle), @precise, @cloh76.witness, @ausbitbank, @teamsteem, @gmuxx, and @curie who have been adding an invaluable contribution to the community.

And don't forget @blocktrades, @jerrybanfield, and @themarkymark!!!

To cast your votes, just go to

Don't waste your time... Invest at SteemIt...

SteemPH banner by @deveerei


Keep inspiring.. we need more people like you.

Can I use this schedule too sir ken? Haha sometimes I am running out of ideas on what to post...

Sure... Do it and try it...

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