Sustaining a Future with Blockchain-Based Blogging.. 👍

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Taking a moment to appreciate first light takes precedence in the moment.

There's no light without dark. No good without bad and with no contrast is there really any freedom of choice? Creativity is born out of existence, as is duality from the absolute. Before I get carried away with polarities, what I'm saying here is the only difference between one thing fading and another emerging.. is simply a matter of focus.

Don't worry I'm not here to shill steem alternatives, in my opinion competition is healthy and fundamental to a free market. As I see it the whole whaleshares/steemit dynamic is on many levels as intertwined and co-operative as the yin-yang symbol itself..

Wholeness is Balance.

As we've marched through the long nights of ridicule and minuscule rewards, some of us taking extended leave lol. Sighting a mere glimmer of tangible results on the horizon seems overwhelming at first. If we care about the success of our teams, we must be mindful to share uplifting news and raise moral. Stand firm with those who've blogged alongside us through the FUD. It's a new dawn, it's a new day.. and I'm feeling good! 👍

If you're following anyone on social media, you'd better have an idea of where they're going right?

After last night's cross-posting experiment I dived deeper, digesting as much new info as possible. Constantly in awe of the achievements I was witnessing that only a few months ago seemed like pipe dreams. When the post I made yesterday rolled over the 555 (hahaha) mark, I figured I had better see what this was actually worth in "real" food money?

Currently sitting pretty at 592.73 WLS after only a day and 6 more days2 WEEKS to go until payout closes! In many ways we're playing with a fine tuned system that's very similar but not the same. It's definitely no Steemit 2.0, this is evolved in so many ways.

Firstly WLS pays into your linked bitshares wallet, that's the original dex created by steem "Daddy" @Dan. This means WLS can be traded for native BTS or any number of alts, you could even create your own..

So by my calculations and by today's pricing: 592.73 WLS X $0.21 USD = $124.47 USD

I did the math and then I did it again.. and again. It's good. One post $100+. If that doesn't kick start the attention of the mastermind then I don't know what will. I mean of course, first you take care of your nearest and dearest. I've already created an account for @iamjamie, she's awaiting her 2 witness approval. I've offered to sponsor core members of @smg and have spoken with @riverflows about protecting and preserving her incredibly valuable community project by cross-posting over there too.

I'm already anticipating that we'll need to rebrand to "Sharers" Mastermind Group LOL! 😂

We have a handful of community leaders in the mastermind that I know are 100% committed to working hard for their steem-based tribes. They're doing their best to maintain community engagement, promote the platform and attract support from delegators. Many are succeeding and see no issues with the current state of steemit. Though many more are seeing some faults become cracks. Weak links appearing in the use, management and development of this incredible technology.

Not saying things like this can't or won't be fixed, I'm absolutely hoping that they will.

That's the beauty of open sourced decentralization, backed by the living and breathing community. It's only a matter of time before these heavily staked truths become self-evident. Then it's down to the players to take action for the good of the whole, or not and fork off! 🖕

So I encourage everyone to ensure that you too are creating a safe landing pad if you are at all serious about sustaining a future with blockchain-based blogging.

See you tomorrow,

Keni 😄

SMG is a mutual support and co-curation group. Join our discord here.

Recent posts from SMG comment-chain:

🇺🇸 Today we entered for the first time ever in this beautiful grove. 😜 🇮🇹 Oggi siamo entrati per la prima volta in questo bel boschetto... 🇺🇸 The Stepz App today endorsed me with this badge... 2,300 kilometers are nothing bad, isn't it? 🇮🇹 L'App Stepz oggi mi ha avvisato che storicamente.. @amico

It was a dark day when the koalas came, bringing their teeth and claws and taking @beaker303 from her. Although she had some natural medicines to help her, it was not enough to save them both. This is their tale, re-enacted for the Natural Medicine Challenge.. @riverflows

Finally! Sigh.. I've just been head down hustling in, "back to blogging" mode for the past week and smack! As synchronicity always does, I scrolled down my feed and out pops a post from my good buddy @samstonehill.. @kenistyles

Recent shares on Whaleshares:

How are you all whaleshares members? This time let me discuss ICO campaign. I think you all know what ICO is. ICO is Initial Coin Offering. ICO is a way to raise fund for a developer.. @gileloe

I wrote a detailed whaleshares/steem comparison a few days ago and was immediately flagged 8 times on steem by @berniesanders (who also sent a very large picture of some poo) not because I used him as an example of what happens when the power concentrates.. @samstonehill

Everyone one of us who has been around in the blockchain space for some time now has a decent idea about what's a witness and what their role is. But I feel like as more people join the platform either it is Whaleshares, Steemit, Golos, or any other project we tend to forget that a lot of them have very vague ideas on how these things work, or what's a blockchain to begin with. Speaking of which I highly recommend this free e-book by IBM, it's called "Blockchain for dummies" @kotturinn

Whaleshares same same but different..


Glad you are making cash over there mate. $100 for 1 post sounds amazing!

Yeah cheers, don't know what you're playing at though? Open door policy for you and ain't asked for no help, still no show in discord either. I seen effort going into wrestling and football posts though.. LOL! 👍

* comment deleted and replaced with a video of Steve from American Dad singing a parody of 'Trapped in the closet'...

Mate. Brimming with positivity ain't ya! 😝 If that's how you feel then so be it, though I know you ain't all that daft since you're still posting and you've learned it alright. There's nothing more to learn as it's a software fork is, it's the same, a effin clone. Just without the unfair power distribution.

Anyways the same principles apply, connect and engage with more people has always been my advice. Show interest in what others are writing and make new friends. That's why I always check in your comment feed and do my best to bring you on a bit. It ain't my job to convince though, do what feels right for you and if you have to delete this that's fine too.

We'll have a proper talk in a day or so, away from a site that posts publicly.

Cheers for the support though :-)

Lol yeh ok you sneaky sausage 😂 "away from a site that posts publicly" wot you mean like discord? Hahaha g'nite fella.. you crack me up 👊

I thought discord was public? isn't everything on the blockchain public and discord is just a blockchain vedsion of facebook chat?

Either way, I guess this proves my point. I still don't have a scooby...

It's ok mate, you only get to know by asking and one of the beauties about immutable blockchains is others can learn from other others asking too. Like I did, like you're doing.

So in short, discord is free to public and it is a similar chat style "thing" to fb messenger, except not as it's got way more features and is fully customizable etc. It's nothing to do with a blockchain though.. snooze.

The servers we run our discord groups on though, they can be public or private, however we set them up and it's a great tool for connecting with others. Then basically doing this.. learning with each other in real-time or as a message board.

Thought you were gonna chat to me in a couple days? Don't rinse all my $0.04 cent comment upvotes LOL! 🤓

Yeah!! I really want your help, so busy right now so might only answer you once in a while, but I can see a future for a polyamourous NM, think it's awesome! Thanks for reaching out.

@riverflows as always, there's all ways unconditional love to go round! Just matters that we focus on the good feeling thoughts and enjoy the ride. You know where to find me, at your service.. 🙏

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