Why Do Some Of My Upvotes DECREASE The Author's Payout?

in #steemit8 years ago

OK, so I upvoted a post earlier today that had already made a few Steem Bucks. I wasn't really paying much attention to the payout amount as the little blue circle spun around until my vote was registered, but it was within my field of vision. And then, "Hmm? Did that amount just go down? No, wait. Did it?"

It's bad enough that the Illuminati are turning certain images upside down when they're posted, as I explained in my previous post. But now they're starting to take their domineering a bit too far.

But I kind of forgot about it for the rest of the day while I was working.

And then, just a few minutes ago, I upvote a post, and it happens again. And I'm like, "Did that just happen again?" And then I'm like, "Yeah, I think that just happened again. "
So then I started just doing screen shots and upvoting to see if I could confirm it. And yes, it really does happen.

Check this out.

Before my vote.

After my vote.

Now this one was only 4 Steem Cents, but I'm pretty sure the other two were much more, in the range of hundreds of Steem Cents, however much that is in dollars, I'm not very mathematicious.

Anyway, what do these damn Illuminatis think they're doing trying to snatch our hard earned Steem? Did they really think we wouldn't notice? Don't they know that it is we who are the All Seeing Eye?

You can't take over Steem you damned control freaks! We will not be made into your muppets! And by the way, I'm telling the devs on you! And you're gonna be in BIG trouble!

And don't try to tell me that there's a more rational, non-conspiratorial explanation. I've seen it a million times, and I can tell you unequivocally that if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's highly suspicious and likely a reptilian masquerading as a duck to conceal his plans for complete domination of the entire universe!


It's just the conversion rate from USD to Steem (Dollars). It has nothing to do with your vote I thinkö

Technically, it doesn't, but it can present itself in this way. Since there is a limited pool of dollars, it is more likely that other users have upvoted other articles and this has pulled value out of the overall pool during the time you were issuing your upvote. Your upvote always counts for something, even if it's small.

Ok, thanks guys! I thought it might be something like that.

Thank you for this reply. I have been really thoughtful about this same issue too

Well we need an explantion on this

Its happened to me a few time, something I have been wondering about.

I have the same issue. Anyone knows why?

See billbutler's reply above. i still don't really understand, but it doesn't happen very often.

Also, the change in Steem price can affect the displayed payout, as the payout is displayed in dollars and not Steem.

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