Steeming on the Water - Confessions of a Steem Monster

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Writing this article as the waves gently caress the hull and the wind blows over my body basking in the salty air whist the summer sun bakes down.

It's late afternoon and early evening. The fish are not biting but that never matters because a bad day fishing is a good day any other day of the week.

Time to think. Oh how great it is to release my mind of stresses and worries. Instead, I'm enjoying the very air I breathe. Taking large gulps and puffin my chest out with warm salty air. Thinking about the very air I am breathing is a privilege I take not for granted.

White puffy clouds dot off into the horizon as if thrown there by an artist for a perfect touch across the water. 

Oh wait, is that Marley on the radio?

"Please don't you rock my boat,
Cause I don't want my boat to be rockin"

Except right now I want my boat to be rockin. The rock in the boat has a beautiful randomness which soothes my soul.

The sound of waves hypnotizing my mind, body and bringing me a calmness to myself. This is the life. Even if for one day you can experience pure relaxation like this it will be worth every single penny you got.

In through my nose, out through my mouth. The sun is not too hot as to burn my skin but just right this late in the day.

My oldest son came out on the bow with me. Hanging there with his pole, enjoying being out in the middle of nowhere on the water. 

You can just see the happiness in his face. Beautiful water, beautiful weather and peace.

I brought some stuffed pepper shooters, a delicacy I often indulge in, and slowly sink my teeth into the spicy cheese and meat. A careful balance of taste which make my mouth water and grease my lips in olive oil.

Some may say it's greedy but I would much rather be on a boat right now than sitting in a cubicle or swinging a hammer.

Is it greedy to enjoy life to the fullest? Should I not be spending my money enjoying life? Am I just a greedy capitalist oppressing the proletariat by breathing up all the air they won't breathe out in the bay?

Eh, I just don't care. Those things are stressful and I am perfectly fine without them.

Well it's time to pull up anchor. Lodge deep in the mud, sometimes it takes quite a bit of pulling to get it loose. It will give your chest a burn as you pull a ten thousand pound boat into the wind. 

Anchor secure, fishing poles strapped down and all loose merchandise tucked away snug for the trip back. Leaving this deep hole in the bay and back to the marina to call it a day.

On the way as we pass through the wake of other boats, the vibrations of the motor relax the muscles in your back against the leather seat. The noise can be loud but it never comes as an annoyance.  Even though today was a relaxing day, relaxing can wear you out. It's time to go home.

Passing the markers for the channel in the bay, we witness an osprey with a fresh catch flying to the top of the market ahead of us. 

I say to my son:

"At least someone had luck today"

He laughed and smiled. W

e made our way back to the marina and the sun began to set on a beautiful day on the water. 

Steemit has rewarded me generously. I am very thankful for Steemit and the up votes I get. I wouldn't be on the water right this minute if it wasn't for Steemit and those who up vote my articles.

Where else can I sit on a boat and write what I feel, what I see, my thoughts and enjoy myself like this and actually be rewarded for it.

I have a yearning to share my experiences with the world. This could be what you could be doing right now.

I could have gambled those Steem dollars away... Partied them... Bought a new electronic or a million other things. Instead, I am investing those dollars into myself, my time and writing more blogs.

Building my reputation. Building my Steem Power.

I have so much to share with the world. I have Ideas. I have Experiences. This is just the beginning.

I can't stop writing. I wont stop writing. Its inspired me so much. Thank you to the community and thank you to Steemit for giving me this day and a way to share it with others. 

In a way, Steemit created a monster. This is a monster I can happily live with. 


That's living, right there.

Awesome, I don't fish but completely understand where you are coming from. Technology is great and has benefited us. We spend too much time online. Sometimes you need to look around you and just be at peace. When I go to the park by my house I feel at peace. I live in a busy city so I need it. Remember you need oxygen to live. Oxygen is created by trees. Trees are outside. You should walk to the trees so it circulates the oxygen through your bloodstream.

Lol, I thought about Boats and Hoes but didn't have any of the latter just the boat lol

Glad to hear that #steemit is affecting other people the same way!

Yes brother man! In a way you kind of inspired me to continue writing here and I'm just plain hooked.

I really hope people find this article. Thanks for the read.

You're welcome and I too hope others find this article.

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