How To Draw Dolphins/Minnows (Proven Tips!)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


Most people are focused on Whales, But one tactic is to be focused on those Dolphins and minnows, They certainly add up!

I start by looking up photos on Google, And I do a rough sketch of what I want my creatures to look like.
Look carefully at the shape of the animal. Look at is as a whole, Then look at the individual shapes

I don't want my Dolphins to look exactly like the picture, But I want it to be clearly a dolphin. So I did my rough sketch

And now a Minnow. My Minnows are going to be much larger than they actually are in the wild, just because drawing terribly small can be really difficult

Start cleaning up your sketch. Remove outer lines that you don't want, but keep any sketch lines on the inside intact

Once you outline your dolphins, Start to shade the inside.

Shade your other Dolphin

Now if you look carefully you can see that near the minnows on the second dolphin, I darkened the shade quite a bit. Do this that way the dolphin is more emphasized. The dolphin is "In front of the minnows."

Shade your minnows,

Now I'm adding a little shading in the back for the water!

Then sign your name :)


Great job!

(I feel lazy now...)

Aww why!? Work on your book! Then you won't feel lazy lol

Looking at this post relative to the success of your "Whales" post it looks like you have just drawn the dolphins and minnows. At least so far...

All joking aside, I love your content and I'm following you now

Oh my gosh so funny! I busted up laughing! Maybe I scared the whales away!!! LOL.
Thank you! I'll follow you as well!

I'm glad I could provide some entertainment services. Thanks for following :)

Youre welcome :)

After reading your post I was able to draw... the conclusion that you are an excellent artist. Kudos PJ

YES! THATS what I was going for lol.

The dolphins look great! Nice shading technique

Thank you very much ! I used paper stumps to make it nice and smooth.

Thanks for sharing that. I find it interesting having insight into hoe artists work.

Thank you LOL!

Clever wordplay + original art = upvote!!

Heheh thank you very much! I'll definitely be posting more.

Great work, thanks for sharing !

Thank you so much!

Thank you !! hehe

Great job @kaylinart .And thanks to your guide. Now, I'm getting track with my Drawing skill. :)

Thank you ! You should show me your stuff I would love to see it!

Yeah, you can visit my latest post. And you're free to criticize my bad work. hehe

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