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RE: Monthly Recap: My Steemit Content Overview #13

in #steemit7 years ago

Wow ! What a busy month you had !! I especially loved your technology posts , and again , CONGRATULATIONS !! On your one year anniversary , I had mine as you know on July 13 th and its hard to believe we have been following each other , and been steeming on here for this long !! Wow ! Cheers to many more years to come my friend !!👍👍👍

Maybe this magical crystal ball and wizard will bring us much luck


I'm not going to flag, I have a bit of a annoyed vibe when I see people posting pictures that are colorful and shitty to my eyes (80% that's just me sorry) then upvoting themselves, so I'm just going to upvote other people forward.

cool ! Your entitled to your own opinion! But after a year blogging on here and 1750 followers later , sometimes its the only way get anything ! Nobody up votes lately or cares about the veterans on here anymore , so unless your in a guild of some sort or have tons of bots to up vote you all the time that
aye good , im lucky to make 5.00 a post as nobody up votes anymore ! Also I will up vote more then 100 people to my one ! So to each their own ! Thanks for your comment ! Steem on !👍👍👍

I totally understand your point, but karen always adds colorful gifs to her comments so it's no problem with me.
Also, her comments are valuable (not just self promotion like many people do nowadays) which I appreciate.

I agree, I'm still split on flagging, my problem is mostly with newbies that bring the shitty social media culture of like now, smash this, love that, I'm only here because it's different or it was when I started :) you could hold conversation with people, you can learn, you can reward how you see fit, basically amazing :) I do wish we weren't 80% in it for the money and gains :)

I agree with you I just wish that we spent more time rewarding comments and conversations, rather than figuring out gimmicks to incentivise everything.

I suppose I've spent a lo o time in my cave again and the light bugs my eyes still :D I need to get outside rather than sit 18 hours in front of a monitor :D but maaan do I want to write 200 posts too :) and read 20000 posts :D play games, trade some shitcoins things like that :D

Hahaha, thank you! Yes I know, we've been talking about the anniversary but I can still hardly believe it's been a a year.
Like they say, time flies when you're having fun!

Sooooo True my friend !! Cheers to many more !!👍👍👍🍻🍷

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