Steemit: Straw, Socks, Saltlicks and OpHumanAngels

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Just coming inside for the rest of the day from this bitter cold, and I am feeling greatful. ❤


First of all, thank you to @lyndsaybowes for 3 years of internet friendship and support. I wouldn't be on Steemit without her, quite simply I had never heard of it....but it was her encouragment and excitement that got me posting. The love you spread is contagious my dear, thank you for that. I see it in others and myself. It has given me drive and hope.

I wanted to say thank you Steemit Family. I have had only positive interactions so far, and am blown away by the content here as well as the diversity. The charity work and community support is something I would like to embrace and learn so that I may help people as I have been helped. I look forward to building many relationships and much learning.

I feel like there is something big on the horizon.

I am also greatful for the opportunity it has given me to begin investing for our family. This weekend, we were not only able to purchase some cryptocurrency, but pay for extra straw and better feed for our chickens (who needed it as they nearly froze yesterday) and we were able to splurge on deer feed and a salt lick for the deer on our property because hey, its freezing!

21 bales proud! We hadn't been able to afford to buy in bulk to save on price before.

Feed for everyone! Thank you Steemit!

Steemit also enabled us to buy 60 pairs of socks to bring to our favourite safe house/charity/food bank Highjinx. They won't know who donated them ;) They have no government support but are a very integral part of helping our city neighbours. These socks will be put to good use and I am really excited to have been able to afford them! Thank you for the inspiration #ophumanangels. It is truly a movement for love.


I hope anyone reading has a wonderful New Year's with loved ones and that you may have all that you need ❤ Take care of you and yours


Yeah... sock love.. surprisingly one of the things that shelters need the most...

How are the chickens doing with the improvements?

It was in the top 5 of things they needed most<3

Omg way better this morning but tonight is colder so I am still stressed. I think Penelope has frostbite on her comb...I just hope it doesn't get worse! Temps should drop by next week:)

I really like how you were not only able to afford a few purchases for yourself but also to help others and donate to a safe house/charity, it's really inspiring! Happy New Year and best wishes!

It worked out really well, a win/win all around! Thank you, Happy New Year to you and yours!! Bring on 2018:)

#ophumanangels so much socklove! Nice work ❤ sure hope your animals are ok in this cold. It is wonderful you could support them through cryptos!! It is a good life. So happy for you.

It is so crazy to me, I still can't really believe it lol! Good life indeed :) Thank you for your kind words, I am hoping they all make it through this cold snap too. So crappy haha!! Happy New years to you!!

Many blessing to you, your family and all the #ophumanangels for contributing to making the world a better place. You are all like little human "goodness" fairies. I know the socks will be most appreciated in these cold winter months and much thought will be given to the givers. Warm feet and warm hearts <3. 2018 will surely be wonder-full!

Blessings to you and your clan as well <3 Thank you for the kind words, I love that..."warm feet and warm hearts" <3
yes to a wonder-ful 2018 for everyone! :):)

So wonderful to do! xoxo

Steemit made it easy this time <3 thank you xo

That's awesome! Glad I'm part of Steemit!

You are welcome! xoxo Have a good rest of the week (we've got a big storm coming tomorrow in New England).

Oh no! I hope you weather the storm safely! I will be thinking of you <3

Thank you! I'm home working so I'm safe and sound. Just hoping we don't lose power. Fingers are crossed! :))

Thanks for the good thoughts <3

YAY! I'm so glad for y'all, and your chickens, and the deer, and the people who will get those socks! Orgs I know who work with homeless folks say that socks are the #1 requested item. So that is a great donation!
I love that Steemit helps you get what you need, as well as a #ophumanangels mission! It has helped me, too - paid my electric bill, part of my rent, cat food, and shoes I really needed. Steemit is a blessing. 💚

Yay is right!! The animals loved their swag lol!! I am blown away that Steemit helped me like this too. It is sureal kind of. I am so glad to hear it has helped you too!! Blessing is right ❤

Beautiful Karen, just Beautiful xo

Praise the Steem Blockchain Indeed!

It sure changed the outcome of 2017 for us ;)

What a crazy thing this is! Xo

You are beautiful too
Happy new year

Nice post!!! Happy 2018 and STEEM on ...

Thank you so much! Same to you!! STEEM on, Happy New Year!

Thank you for being such a generous soul!

Everyone needs socks, right!?! ;)

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