in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

My hubby is a brick layer yeah the butt crack and beer belly kind... These aren't my hubby BUT they are very similar

The only time I have seen him cry was when his Grandad died so you can imagine how scared I was when it happened again.

5 years ago he was doing his usual Friday night having a beer and playing on his Xbox chillinh out whilst I was upstairs relaxing. All of a sudden I heard him scream, My first thoughts was a spider hes scared of spiders but when he came crawling up the stairs on his knees I knew it was something more, He tried to lie on the bed but couldn't straighten his body out, he was screaming and crying in pain. I phoned fire an ambulance to be told to try and get him to sleep then if it's still bad in the morning phone them back. Stupid me said Okay... I put the phone down then rang them straight back as he was now rolling on the floor in pain. I phoned back and demanded a ambulance now, I know when there's something wrong with my hubby.

The ambulance arrived pretty quickly, we all got in the taxi me not thinking about taking the car and how we were going to get home as it was midnight. We stayed at the hospital until after 2am, they wanted to observe him and do some tests as he had had a drink they couldn't do much.
The next morning we got a phone call saying he was going down for emergency surgery they would call us when he was back on the ward. We waited in all day, They phoned at tea time he had been down for 8 hours. When we arrived to see him they told us his bowel had burst... Some of his stomach lining had traveled into his bowel, it had probably been there since birth and gradually burnt away a hole.

When we got to see him he was asleep so me and my daughter went for something to eat at the cafe, By the time we got back his Aunty was there (Thank god she was) She's a nurse and noticed he wasn't looking to good. He was rushed back down to surgery as his body was fooking up with all his bowel contents poisoning his system.

They eventually got him sorted, sewn and patche up.

He was off work for 6 months and gradually got back to normal.
I wish I had made sure they sent a ambulance when I first phoned and still regret going down for something to eat, If his Aunty hadn't shown up things could have been so different.

|postimage Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours, If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit you. Thank you

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If you want to follow me you can find me on twitter


That is so scary, Karen! I had read somewhere that there is only a 5% chance of survival once your body goes septic. He was very lucky. No point regretting anything - your initial response to wait was based on people who should know better! BUT you were a strong advocate and most likely saved his life. GOOD JOB!

It was very scary. The 2nd time he went down for surgery there was bowel contents coming out his nose and mouth. he was very lucky

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