in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I haven't been posting much due to the flagging but I have still been reading and upvoting, I have noticed a massive difference in how much my vote is worth. Before this experiment my vote was worth less than 1 cent now I am seeing my vote sometimes rise by 5 cents, now that is amazing. Yeah I love it when a whale votes but you can never rely on that happening, I would rather have lots of 5 cent votes than the odd whale vote. Going from being worth nothing to a good amount

If this continues I can see things on here getting better for the minnows if you put the work in. I'm still in 2 minds about the flags as some times I have seen a flag on a post leaving it with pennies when Its been a good post. Just my opinion. Plus with Dan leaving Steemit is up in the air until we know what @ned has got planned. I have got to say I would miss Steemit if it went away, not just for the money but for the friendships I have made, the messages I receive from my friends means so much and definitely cheers me up.

My hubby goes back to work next week so I am back to just me, my dogs and Steemit so please don't go anywhere or I might have to start using Falsebook oops sorry Facebook, I don't want to have to go back there as I actually think it makes my depression worse.

Thanks Pixabay
This week me and hubby are having a few bets on Cheltenham Horse racing, Hubby loves a go on the horses and has never had the week of Cheltenham off so he's enjoying it but not winning, nothing new there then. I have had a bet, first horse came last but only because a horse fell at a jump impeding my horse, I hate the jumps I hide every time the horses jump Thankfully no one has been hurt*

Well that's enough of my ramblings for one day, if your having a bet Good luck I hope you win especially if you have the same horse as me

Thank you son-of-satire

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Glad to see you back and posting... and yes, it IS nice to feel like our efforts actually have an impact... however small.

Thank you, I will try and vote a lot more now since I'm giving more :)

I'm WAY excited about this voting being up. I used to only have a 0.02 vote :( Which sucked. Now It's worth 0.17 so thats exciting hehe.

Its good to give, its helping the whole platform :)

WEll except right now XD I'm probably a bit diluted. I've been voting on everything LOL

I agree! Mine is worth $0.01 all day long now - its like it's on Viagra or something! Ha ha!

Well keep it coming hahahaha

That's what keeps them big pharmas in the money! Ha ha!

So very true, we need them for women hahaha

Thank you for posting @karenb54.

Lovely article....well articulated...humourous and informative.

There have been a few articles written on the subject and one does not tire of hearing of the difference of the experience dynamics as a result of the experiment. Hopefully amends can be made and understanding acquired.

Wishing you and yours all the best. Cheers.

NB Adding the race in was a splendid move. ^_^

Thank you :D My writing is a lot like my brain it wanders from one subject to another, haven't got much of an attention span

happy to see ya posting !:)

And I am happy to see you in my comments :)

I quite love it when i vote and get to see a .01 jump up too..whereas before there's none..even if i vote 100%.
I see it when voting for comments yey!

Yeah the comment's are paying out a lot more too, its all looking rosy on here :)

Well done dear friend @ karenb54 thanks for sharing your thoughts

Thank you @jlufer Great to see you as always :)

Ignore the experiment, you will make much more for your regular posts than you would normally. You are right. This benefits minnows much more :0)

Its definitely improving and looking good :)

Nice post @karenb54!
I have noticed and enjoyed this experiment too!
Time will tell, but I'm also going to keep steeming along. ;)

Hi, Thank you That's all we can do :)

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